Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Burnt Store marina

Wednesday December 3, 2014
26 45 646 N
82 03 579 W

Another perfect weather day for the 35 NM trip to Burnt Store marina. We have enjoyed frequent porpoise experiences since we left. Now on the west coast the sea water is significantly clearer and today we had a great chance to shoot some video. The two porpoises stayed with us for quite some time and one of them consistently rolled over and looked at me as I lent over the rail with the camera. 

The video did not want to work - so I put it on Face Book instead.

The west coast of Florida less developed and prettier than the East. Our run from FMB to Burnt Store was very pleasant with blue sea and skies and green islands. So much more appealing than the Bahamas.

The name of Burnt Store relates back to a minor iIndian uprising where the local Calusa tribe, led by Chief Billy Bowlegs destroyed the trading post and killed or drove out the few white people. The area is now a "resort city" based around a big marina and the usual golf courses. 

Arriving in the channel.
We went straight to the fuel dock and picked up 500 gallons at $3.20 a gallon. I had researched fuel prices on the way across Okeechobee and Burnt Store had the best deal, and on top of that reduced the price another $0.20 that morning! We were then directed to our dock for the month. 

The docks are "fixed" (as apposed to floating) and we wanted to back Tide Hiker in. When backing Tide Hiker I can see very little behind the boat and rely on Deidre calling distances and instructions from the stern. But as we were backing in the landscape crew were "mowing and blowing" and it was impossible to hear her.  But all ended up OK

The marina is surrounded by multi level condos and immaculate landscaping. There is a large marina store and a fancy restaurant. Very nice. We celebrated our arrival by having dinner at the restaurant.

Thursday December 4, 2014

We were up early so we could watch a NASA launch at Cape Canaveral. We expected to see it on the computer and see the trail in the morning sky. They messed around for an hour or so and then scrubbed the launch. Will try again tomorrow. 

The rental car company picked us up at 10 AM and we had our car by 11 AM. We have rented the car for a month. On Dec 11 we plan to drive to Mason's house in Mt, Pleasant. Its about 600 miles from here. We will rest up there for a few days and then drive to Ruby and Indy's house in Cleveland - that drive is a long day - about 700 miles. Then after 4 or 5 days back to Mason's for Xmas and then back to Burnt Store in time for New Year's Eve. The rental will probably be due for an oil change when we hand it over!

Friday December 5, 2014

We slept thru the launch. Friends we met in the Bahamas and call Burnt Store home arrived back from a cruise today. I started work on a few jobs around the boat including removing the elbow. 

View of Tide Hiker and the Condos

Saturday December 6, 2014

The elbow is now off and it looks healthy - damn. I was able to get some rust out of it, but it was a long way from being blocked. That means we are back at square one with this problem. Went to the Stephen Hawking movie and pizza dinner.

A still life - Sunday comics, elbow, removed rust and screwdriver

Sunday December 7, 2014

Lazy day. Packed a picnic and headed of in the car to Pine Island. Later I rescued some of the oil removed from the generator and mailed it off for analysis.

Decorated boats  in the marina

Monday December 8, 2014

The new elbow was meant to arrive today - it did not, so I got hold of UPS only to discover that it had arrived and been "rejected by the recipient" and returned. Turns out the address on the order was wrong. A new "cruiser" boat arrived and we invited them over for "docktails". 

Regular Visitor

His girl friend

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