Monday, December 1, 2014

Ft. Myers Beach

Monday December 1, 2014
26 27 305 N
81 56 512 W

Currently on a mooring ball at Fort Myers Beach. I am feeling a bit grumpy because we broke two boat hooks in the process of securing to the ball and even then needed help! Last time we were here we had similar problems because the mooring facilities were in bad shape, but it had been reported that a new entity had taken over and the field was now in good shape. Well, we beg to differ! The person who fixed up the field had obviously never taken a mooring ball. What a mess.

Broken boat hook! (Taken at Burnt Store)

We like Ft. Myers Beach and planned to stay two nights.

Tuesday December 2, 2014

Launched the dink first thing and we were ashore by 10 AM. We paid our bill and headed into town. The beach town is on a narrow barrier island and is quite touristy. The beach side is very attractive with a wide strip of sand and a pier. The harbor side is very busy with just about every boating and fishing and eating establishment that you could imagine.

We bought the New York Times and a couple of espresso coffees and settled down in the sun for a read. As in many touristy places, the city provides a "Lolly the trolley" bus service, and so for $0.50 each we enjoyed a one hour tour along the coast road. Half way back we jumted off and found a place for light lunch. Back on the boat by about 3 PM for a snooze.

TV reception was great - we had a good choice of shows.

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