Sunday, May 7, 2017

Daytona Beach

Sunday May 7, 2017

We were up at 7 AM and underway by 7:30 AM. We wanted to get to Daytona Beach because after a week of anchoring and mooring balls we were due for a night in a marina - and there was a $1.25 marina in Daytona Beach close to a favorite pizza joint! It would be rather a long day - 62 NM - about 9 hours - hence the early start.

We anchored with our nose into the western shore of the ICW. Very pleasant residential area with lots of threes. (I dont think this photo belongs on this page! But it looks like a good spot.)

Rather a sad sight - maybe caught by Hurricane Mathew?

One of the few places that I actually dislike is Smyrna Beach. We have had two "less than ideal" anchoring experiences in the area. Plus we always seem to hit it on a weekend (today was no exception) and it can be a bit "frantic" with boaters. Today was no exception as you can see from the above photo.

Plus we touched the bottom! We were in an area with reported shoaling problems that we had managed to survive in the past, but this time we touched the bottom - it was obviously sand or mud and after a bit of hesitation Tide Hiker just "bumped" over.

We had made a reservation at a "favorite" yacht club marina and we were secure by 4 PM. Deidre had 4 loads of washing and drying to do, plus Tide Hiker needed a hose down after 7 days of cruising and anchoring. For dinner we went to a "favorite: Greek pizza restaurant.

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