Monday, May 8, 2017

St. Augustine Anchorage

Monday May 8, 2017

We were in a bit of an awkward spot in the marina - I had to twist Tide Hiker away from the dock in reverse to get away. The wind was forecast from the North which would be pushing us onto the dock so we were underway a bit early before the wind got up to much. All went well. (After 5 years, I suspect I am getting good at this!)

Uneventful run about 45 NM to St Augustine where we anchored a little North of the channel out into the Atlantic. If the weather holds we will head out tomorrow at first light and run 80 NM north to Brunswick. If the conditions are favorable we may even stay out and run overnight to Beaufort, SC - about 160 NM. But that's just a "maybe".

Before dinner Deidre and I changed the Racor filters and the oil in the main engines. Deidre is a good mate!


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