Thursday, May 11, 2017

Downtown Beaufort Marina, SC

Thursday May 11, 2017

Over the last few days I have called all the marinas in the Charleston area that would suit us, but there are simply no vacancies for the rest of this month. I asked if we could stay at Lady's Island but that was a "No deal" also. So when Downtown Beaufort called back and said "OK" I was a bit relieved.

We headed the one mile over to our new home this morning, aiming to arrive exactly at "slack" as I knew the current was a real issue. They assigned us a bit of an awkward spot but we slipped Tide Hiker in quite well, well enough to receive a compliment from the dock hands. (And I gave him a bigger tip for being so observant)

As the name suggests the marina is adjacent to down town, and its quite a cute little place - the second oldest city in SC.

We had experienced some issues with our shore cable at Lady's Island and they had loaned us a cable for the night. This morning I decided to replace one end and so hitched a ride to the local West marine and purchased the "male" for about $100 - robbers. The installation was a first for me so it took an hour or so but when completed and installed the voltages were better, but not what they should be. So (belatedly) I examined the "female" end only to discover it was worse, and so headed back to West Marine for a replacement - this time $125. (Why are girl's things always more expensive than boy's?). When that was installed, all was well - $225 later.

Friday May 12, 2017

Busy day today, just doing "jobs" plus we rented a car for the weekend.

Saturday and Sunday May 13 and 14, 2017

Saturday morning we headed off in the rental to Tampa to pick up our car. Uneventful trip except for driving in heavy rain most of Saturday. Back on Tide Hiker about 6 PM Sunday with another 800 miles under our collective belts.

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