Friday, July 6, 2012

Annapolis, Md

Friday July 6, 2012
38 58.539M
76 29.040W

Chesapeake Bay Bridge
We were up at a decent hour and headed to Annapolis. There are lots of mooring balls available in the inner harbor, but only 5 that are suitable for a boat our size - so we needed to be early. There were two balls available when we arrived and we snared one - in the perfect spot to watch all the comings and goings. It was very hot. We launched the dinghy and headed into town.

First stop was the Post Office - only to discover that the one we had selected was inside the Navel Academy and would not accept mail for "General Delivery"! This is the second time we have messed up this same delivery. The USPS staff were "not particularly" helpfull, but we hope we have arranged to get our envelope transferred over to another location, and we will come back Monday and collect it. Oh well ...... 

Plebes marching into lunch
Annapolis is a cool town, very nautical but very touristy, and wandering around in the 100 degree weather was not very appealing. I was running the generator and ac on the boat almost 100% of the time and it was barely keeping up. Saturday we decided to take a guided tour of the Navel Acadamy, and that turned out to be very interesting. Each summer the acadamy accepts about 1,500 new students ("plebs") and they arrive in June when the more senior students are spending the summer on ships. They spend about 8 weeks learning the basics before the seniors return and give them hell. We watched them assemble and march in for lunch. (It sounds like they virtually have to assemble and march for everything.) Any way, it was fun and they looked young.

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