Thursday, July 12, 2012


Wednesday July 12
38 58.559N
76 29.009W

We were a little slow out of the Magothy this morning but we only had a short run to Annapolis. We wanted to arrive just after Noon, which is the "check out" time for the moorings. It is a busy place and it felt good to know our way in and out, and the procedure for the balls. There were two open balls and we picked one up in good style (there is a skill and teamwork involved).

We tidied up the boat and called the water taxi for a ride to town. Minutes later we were on shore headed for the USPS. The USPS has a bit of a reputation for poor service, but I have usually enjoyed a decent experience. Not this time. Our mail was not waiting for us, and what is more, the clerk ("Brenda") was unsympathetic and plain rude. I was annoyed and refused to be intimidated and slowly obtained some reluctant - but ineffective - cooperation. So we do not have our mail. Bummer

Deidre shouted me a strawberry milk shake as compensation, and then we decided to take a cab to the nearest boating store as a "treat". We needed charts for the New York area plus a few other bits and pieces. We ended up spending $250 plus the $20 in cab fares. We were back on the boat by 3PM and relaxed, soaking up the Annapolis nautical atmosphere.

View from our ball
It really is a fun harbor with lots going on. - several commercial tour and dinner boats coming and going, a couple of pirate boats for the kids, lots and lots of "looky-loo" boats, kyaks and sail boats leaving or returning from races in the bay, plus the water taxis darting around. Its just a constant procession, so we tended to sit out on the aft deck with a glass and watch. .

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