Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sasafras River

July 29th, 2012
39 22.015 N
76 01.334 W

The Magothy anchorage is a good spot but the bottom is muddy. It took us extra time to get the anchor up this morning and the deck was a real mess when we were done. But the temperature appeared to drop about 10 degrees compared to yesterday, and there is a nice breeze.

Bryce said we could go halves!
Today we made it about 35 miles north to new water, north of Baltimore. We are now anchored for the night in the Sassafras River, which is on the east side of the bay. The bay is narrowing down, we could see both shores as we motored north. Saw an amazing sun set tonight - I took a great photo but erased it by accident!. The radar shows thunder storms all around, but they all seem to be missing us.

Tomorrow we plan to enter the Chesapeake-Delaware Canal and stay the night at Chesapeake City - where there is a free dock for up to 3 boats and a small anchorage. If we cannot fit, we may make a run for the Delaware, or go back 10 miles to the Chesapeake, and try the next day. Apparently the tidal currents in the canal are difficult.

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