Sunday, July 15, 2012

Solomons, anchored

Sunday July 15, 2012
38 20.161N
76 26.138W

Sorting out the deck
We were underway by about 10AM Sunday. It was another warm sweaty day, so finding a bit of a sea breeze was good. We were headed 35 miles "back south" and planned to anchor near the Solomons because on Monday we want to pick up the spare parts for the outboard motor.

To be avoided - just like a sailing boat
It was an uneventful ride, other than dodging a few very large ships. As we arrived in the Solomons we also had to dodge our way thru a large sailing event,  there must have been a hundred 40' to 50' sailing boats racing all over the place and blocking the mail channel. They really behave like they own the water, "right of way" and all that stuff. There were also a lot of thunder storms showing on the radar, but they seemed to pass us left and right, we obviously lead a charmed life.

We are in a great anchorage. (If Bryce would stop working so hard and sent me the image I would include it here.) Immediately after dropping anchor we both grabbed one of our "new" books and a drink and sat out on the aft deck enjoying the breeze. We have just had dinner and all is well.

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