Saturday, December 8, 2012

Fredrika River

Saturday December 8, 2012
31 11.574 N
81 25.094 W

Foggy morning
The 8 miles of the Darien River back to the ICW make me a bit nervous. The tide ranges about 8' and the current can get quite strong and there are some "awkward" spots. The tide schedule for today required us to be up at 6AM and leave at dawn, and even then it was only 1/2 tide and on the ebb which is an obvious disadvantage if you make a mistake run aground. So I did not sleep very well and was quite relieved to find us socked in with fog when we woke up.

Fog bank rolling in
Our departure was delayed till about 12:30 PM when the tide was about 35%, but flooding. This made me happier, except for the fact that we would have less than 5 hours to cruise. We made it out of the river OK and continued south. I had picked out a few potential anchorages about 30 miles south. As the day progressed we could see banks of fog rolling in, but we made it to the Fredrika River entrance before they engulfed us.

Deidre had bought 2 pounds of fresh shrimp in Darien and made a great concoction for dinner. Our friend in the sailing boat rolled in 30 minutes after we arrived and so we invited him over for dinner, so long as he provided his own local transportation.

Visitor rowing over for dinner

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