Tuesday, December 4, 2012

May River (Hilton Head)

December 4, 2012

32 12 321 N
80 49 530 W

What we sailors call "calm"
I was up at 7:30AM but I did not know if I was in a hurry or taking it easy. I had worked on the charts last night but had not really settled on an anchorage, and therefore a cruise plan, for the next day. Some destinations were too close (Port Royal) and some too far (Wright River) and some looked just awkward. The morning was dead calm with a bit of fog around. The anchor came up clean as a whistle, and we were on our way - not too sure where, but we were going there.

Deidre took the helm early and I continued to work on finding an anchorage. Finally I settled on a "less than an ideal" spot with the fall-back that if it was no good then we just give up and go to a marina. And that is just about what happened. We motored into Skull Creek about 3:30PM after an easy day but could not settle, so called a marina and made a reservation. Then Deidre says "let me have a look" and within a few minutes she had found a spot up the May River that would work. And that is where we are.
Our "new friends" on the sailing boat where having the same problem so we showed them our solution and they turned up an hour or so later. They came over for dinner and brought soup. Deidre had a roasted chicken and salad so we ate well. As usual.

One treat today was the dolphins. At one point we had 6 dolphins playing in our bow wake. Both Deidre and I were leaning over the bow rail watching them. It is just amazing how effortlessly they swim.

(This photo was taken leaning over the bow. You can see the reflection of the boat in the water.)

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