Monday, December 3, 2012

Monday December 3, 2012

South Edisto River

32 37.188 N
80 23.728 W

We were up at 7 AM. It was a clear and still morning but with an enormous amount of dew on the boat. We had the engines running by 8:30 AM and after lots of goodbyes on the dock we were on our way -  at least for a few hundred yards to the fuel dock to get a pump out! The pump was a bit weak and the dock hand not very helpful, so the process took longer than usual, but we were in the ICW by 9:05 AM.

Pilot Boat
It took almost 2 hours to get to and thru Charleston Harbor, but then we quickly settled into our old routines. All the gauges were reading where they should, the engine room seemed leak and smoke free, and we were making good time. The only negative was that we were running the boat from the RPH because the chart plotter on the bridge was not operating.  

On the approach to the Ben Sawyer bridge a large trawler (58' as it turned out) came out of a creek and plonked its wide ass right in the middle of the channel and stopped. I called them on the radio to "state your intentions" and the answer was not too helpful but nevertheless the moment passed. However, since we both traveled at about the same speed we ended up spending a lot of the day in their company. The convoy "adopted" a motoring sail boat in about the same way, and it turned out we all had the same plan to anchor in the South Edisto River. Once we were settled into the anchorage the invitations went out on the radio and we all gathered on the big boat for drinks and appetizers. We just got back, and it was fun.

The anchorage

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