Sunday, December 2, 2012

Take it Easy Sunday, December 2, 2012

I was up at 8AM, made the coffee then walked over to the marina store to purchased 3 Sunday papers, one for each boat. By the time I was back Deidre was cooking up the eggs and bacon and we spent the next couple of hours blissfully eating and reading. By the time we were done we were due at Bon Voyage for a farewell lunch, and to hear a detailed rundown of Bill & Laura's summer trip to Canada - one that we hope to attempt in 2013.

Mimosa, Bill, Laura and Deidre on Bon Voyage
We were not off Bon Voyage till about 3PM. I still had a few jobs on the boat (such as filling the water tanks), Deidre went shopping for a few last items with Kylie.

Ryan and Kylie picked us up at 6PM and we went to Mt Pleasant for a farewell dinner with them. We are now back and its time for bed. The forecast for tomorrow looks excellent. I assume we are ready.

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