Thursday, December 19, 2013

Back on the job at IOP

Wednesday December 18, 2013

Slow day, late start. I must be getting older. Lots of phone calls to welders, boat yards, vendors etc. Nurse Joan called from Phoenix to report that my cholesterol was "excellent". Cleaned up on the fly bridge and started to varnish (at last) only to discover that the varnish was "off" (I have no clue why, it was all milky) so I tossed the brush and the varnish and will have to replace tomorrow. Filled in the daylight hours by handling the chain and breaking out any stickers with a mallet. I am starting to stress a bit that I am running out of time!

Thursday December 19, 2013

Out the door at 8 AM on the way 180 miles to Greenwood to pick up the chrome plated windlass parts. Arrived about 11:30 AM only to find that one of the parts (the biggest!) had not been done correctly. The fellow immediately said that he would fix it and freight it to us at the IOP so we loaded the rest and headed back to the boat. On the way back we stopped and purchased new varnish and brushes (and Xmas lights for the boat, now installed.) Dinner with the young Taylors tonight.

Friday December 20, 2013

My shiny chain
Good varnish weather! Put the first coat on the Stb side this morning. Reassembled the windlass up to the "missing piece" and installed the chock. Pumped up the dinghy. Did a little shopping. My new specs arrived so I can see again!

Went to town and bought Deidre's Xmas present.

Not a bad day.

Saturday December 21, 2013

Good varnish day. Another coat onto the stb side. Gene brought the dinghy motor back so I immediately pimped it up a bit and took photos for Craig's List. Received three responses within the first 30 minutes, and only one was from Nigeria. We looked after Mason for a couple of hours midday so Ryan could get some sleep. Fitted a new rubber mat in the ER and happy with the result. Need to buy 3 more.

Fellow came to look at the outboard - no dice, pricing issue.

Sunday December 22, 2013

Progress! The French drain down the side of the house is complete. Ryan helped me shovel the rest of the gravel into the trench and redistribute the dirt from the trench. The area needs landscaping, but the drain is done.

Progress! Good varnish morning and I put coat #3 onto the stb side. One more and it will be even port/stb and then just 4 or 5 more coats overall and can start putting the flybridge back together again.

Three more responses on the outboard, no result. Breakfast out this AM with Mason (and Deidre, Ky and Ryan). Added another string of Xmas lights on the boat. One of the neighbors helped me take a 1/16" of the cabinet door that does not close. (Now I need a new chisel to countersink the hinge) Fired up the ElectroScan today (our tank is filling up again) and we managed a half dozen cycles! Has been a pleasant warm sunny day, but big fog bank has just rolled in off the ocean ahead of a cool change.

Monday December 23, 2013

Christmas lights on the boat
The weather has turned cold and windy, no good for varnish. Tried to focus on some inside jobs. Installed the new mats in the ER, countersunk and installed the galley cabinet. (Not happy with the result, will have to have another go.) Rest of the day shopping and then drove 50 miles down to Rockville to check out the boat yard where we are  taking Tide Hiker to install the solar panels. Uncomfortable ride back in the rain.

Tuesday December 24, 2013

Engine room mats

Couple more calls on the motor with no result.

Wednesday December 25, 2013 

Kylie and Mason visited us on the boat this morning. They are both a bit sick, Ky cannot talk and Mason has a bad cough. But he is still basically a happy kid.

We walked over at 4 PM and opened presents and had dinner. It was a very pleasant afternoon.

Tomorrow we are taking Mason to the doctor.

Thursday December 26, 2013
Spent all day on the computer researching what "hot-spot" to buy. The cell phone companies have made the industry such a mess with all their restrictions. I eventually gave up and bought a unit that I hope will do the trick. Also researched antennas for the hot-spot and purchased one. Researched "Morse" control cables as I need a couple of spares. Quiet evening.

Friday December 27, 2013

Called the chrome guy to ask where my part was - surprise, it was sitting on his desk as he "did not know where to ship it." (This is a family blog so I will not comment further.) Spent an hour or so on EP accounting and printed all the February rent invoices. Too cold for varnish. So I cleaned up the Fly Bridge and wet sanded all of the varnished wood. There is a chance that it will be warm enough tomorrow to varnish. Going out for Mexican dinner with Stan and Nancy.

Saturday December 28, 2013

Deidre was up sick all night. I slept OK but woke up feeling like I had been hit by a bus. Deidre went back to bed after "breakfast". I zipped up the Flying Bridge and put a small room heater to warm it up. Seemed to have an effect so I varnished the seating area and parts of the rail - maybe 75%. Its going to be warmer tomorrow, but rain is forecast. After that focused on a few inside jobs but really dragged. No more Mexican for a while.

Kylie and Mason seem to be steadily recovering. At least the cricket news was good.

Sunday December 29, 2013

Better day today. Went out for breakfast, then drove to Summerville to look at an outboard motor. Absolutely poured with rain, clouds down to the ground. Weather cleared as we returned and I decided to attempt to varnish - getting a bit desperate. Deidre helped. It was reasonable warm with quite a breeze, and it did not rain for the rest of the day and the wind has died. So we have maybe 5 coats applied overall. Couple more and we will can start putting the boat back together. Spent the rest of the day sorting at the house.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Up early and drove 1 hour to the welder's place. The solar frame was assembled but not welded. We went over the measurements and I gave him the OK to proceed. Back on the boat I sanded yesterdays varnish and then met a guy at the house who was interested in the outboard. Sold it! Not for quite the price I wanted, but good enough, and I need to move on. Back on the boat it was a bit too late/cool to varnish the exposed rails so I just gave the seats a quick coat. (I think they are about complete). UPS arrived and we received all sorts of goodies. The last part of the windlass, the new carpet runner for the Salon and the new "HotSpot" (for the Bahamas). Inspired, I cleaned out the chain locker and completed the reassembly of the windlass. Tomorrow, the chain! :)

Tuesday December 31, 2013

Loading the chain
Hard day, and boy am I tired. Ky brought Mason over for pancake breakfast. He has his first tooth!

After a 1/2 dozen pancakes (gotta keep up the energy) I headed onto the flybridge and wet/dry sanded yesterday's coat. Then over to Ky's and loaded the chain into the trunk of the rental. Unloaded the chain at the top of the path to the marina and dragged it out into a straight line - turns out it is actually 225' long. Deidre helped me mark it every 25 feet then attach the colored zip ties. Then we dragged the chain down to the dock and the boat.

I had been promised "minimum stickers" (chain links that are stuck together with zinc) but as we threaded the chain thru the windlass it became apparent that we had lots of stickers - maybe even 10%? It was impractical to try and deal with them thru the windlass, so I set up on the dock and inspected each link and broke the stuck one apart with a hammer. Hard work and took all afternoon.

First "teething" rusk
Meanwhile Deidre gave the chairs another coat of varnish - still too cold to do the rails.

Tonight we have invited friends over for dinner. Should be fun if I can stay awake.

Wednesday, January 1st, 2014

So much for 2014 - cold and windy all day. I managed to get outside long enough to cut a foot or so from the end of the anchor chain, where the links looked a bit worn. Then we took the boat over to the marina for a pump out - seems simple but took us about 2 hours. Since the anchor project is complete I was able to back the boat in. After that - shopping for mats and some hardware for the solar panels. Its still raining.

Thursday, January 2nd, 2014

I am starting to stress about getting getting it all done in time - only 10 days remaining. Rained all day. It's hard to get anything done. We spent some time shopping and now have the "mat situation" under control. The new Salon "runner" looks good, ditto the Pilot House. (We have some stains to cover-up.)

Came across another potential used motor today but after some initial excitement had to nix it. So I changed plan and started researching the new option. By 9PM purchased a new Nissan 9.8HP short shaft. Done.

Friday, January 3rd, 2014

Bitterly cold and windy night. I got up about 4 AM to check on some noises and got very cold. The temp was 32F when we got up at about 7:30 AM and headed off to the welder. The place was closed when I got there and after a couple of phone calls our plans were changed to Sunday! It was a two hour drive for me!

A few more boxes
Started hauling boxes back to the lazarette and probably have 75% loaded now. Ryan loaned me their Christmas present to haul the boxes. Also "rebuilt" a macerater pump.

Went to bed at 8:30 PM

Saturday January 4th, 2014

Another cold night, down to freezing. The freezing seems to be affecting the varnish on parts of the boat, as if there is moisture under it that is turning to ice. Not a happy thought.

Stb Side
 Continued on with packing and reloading the laz and I am now happy to report its done. I also seem to have found some space that we can use for stored for the Bahamas.

Dinner at Ky's tonight.
Port Side

Sunday January 5, 2014

Breakfast out with Don and Barb from Cavarra. Looks like we are both planning to head south about the same time and may cruise to Stuart together. The temperature had recovered into the 60s (but with rain threatening) and so as soon as we returned to the boat I scurried to give the rails another coat. The rain held off but a cold fog rolled in about 5PM.

Last thing at the house is our hose inventory - Deidre helped me make a detailed list and then returned them to the boat. The garage is now about 99% clear of boat stuff.

Opened up one of the main engine heat exchanges and found a moderate amount of clogging so started to "rod" the tubes with a 1/8" dowel. Interrupted by a visit from the welder with the new Sat TV antenna post  to test. Ky popped in after dinner for a chat. We kicked her out at 9PM for the first episode of "Downton Abby". First things first!!

Monday January 6, 2014

Deidre picking out debris after rodding
 Continued rodding and cleaning the two heat exchanges with reasonable success. They are not perfect but definitely improved. Decided to change the end gaskets, so ordered them from Virginia and moved onto the Racor. Wanted to take one apart and clean it for the first time. Was a simple task but awkward and I ended up spilling a bunch of fuel, which was frustrating.

The weather is really deteriorating. Wind is up and the temp is dropping. Most of the country is caught in a deep freeze, and we expect to go down to 22 F tonight.

Some of the result

I have turned off the water pump and drained the pipes as best I can. I have put the small room heater in the ER to run all night. The wind is gusting, it is frigid outside.

Tuesday January 7, 2014

The temp was 22 degrees when we got up. Two of the outside taps had frozen but came to life after a minute of the heat gun. Ky called and told me their outside taps have frozen so I went over there and gave them the same treatment and left them dripping.

At about Noon we headed over to the welders. Pleased to see that he had completed the roll bar for the dinghy and the antenna post for the Sat TV and the new 4G aerial. They look great. The frame was also ready to install the solar panels. Deidre and I installed one panel and will return tomorrow for the rest.

Back at the boat the temp was dropping fast again and the water was still off. We received an email that Fedex had tried to deliver the new outboard while we were away.

Wednesday January 8, 2014

We were back at the welders by 10 AM and had fitted the two remaining panels by Noon. Then took the whole thing apart and packed up the panels so they could be independently transported to the yard next week.

Back to Mt Pleasant we picked up the outboard at Fedex and squeezed it into the rental.

Ryan called and asked us to pick up Mason from day care and look after him till one of them made it home.

Still no water on the dock and since we had not filled our tanks we ran dry. After dinner I put a bucket of sea water in the bathroom so we could flush the toilet during the night.

Thursday January 9, 2014

The water was turned back on nice and early. First job was to toss out the un-used saltwater in the bathroom bucket, only to discover that there were 1/2 dozen small fish in it! I feel bad for their friends who will make it back into the ICW via a less direct route. Installed the roll bar and the motor on the dinghy. I expect we will relaunch it Saturday when Ryan is home.

Lunch with our "dock host" Charlie Ridley. Charlie is a recently retired attorney and is an excellent cabinet maker. Hearing of the problem with our cabinet door he swung into action, and we already have the door back and in one piece. I headed down to the ER and installed the new heat exchange gaskets and bled and started the engines, and tried to put stuff away. Deidre drove to COSCO and returned loaded with more stuff. I am starting to worry about our Plimsoll line. Three days remaining.

Friday January 10, 2014

Glare screen, knick-knack boxes and varnish!
No more time for varnishing so Deidre and I cleaned the Isen glass and re-installed the glare shield on the Fly Bridge. I had lost one of the support pieces overboard when I was dismantling the shield, and so asked our welder to make me a replacement. Turns out I had replaced the wrong piece, so we had to do a work-around. Otherwise, it all went back together well. Then tried my hand at a bit of fiberglass repair - will do better next time. Spent the rest of the day trying to put everything away and eventually got to wash down the deck. Dinner at Mark & Donna's. Two days to go.

Saturday January 11, 2014

Back from Cosco or Walmart
Heavy wet fog all day until a series of thunder storms blew through about 5 PM. Made it unpleasant to work around the boat. The new C-Map chip arrived via mail yesterday and it worked! Thanks goodness, we have navigation again.

Re-installed the knick-knack tray on the fly-bridge. Ryan came over and we lifted the freezer back into place. Then we used his truck to launch the dinghy. The new motor (eventually) started and I motored back to Tide Hiker in the marina. We have to turn Tide Hiker tomorrow and load the dinghy. Took the rental back to the airport.
Bloody miserable weather

One day to go.

Sunday January 12, 2014

King Neptune must think highly of us because today's weather was perfect - sunny and cool.

We needed to turn the boat to load the dinghy, so since we were under way we headed over to the marina for a pump out. It was good to see the dink back on deck. Deidre runs the hoist - her immediate reaction was that the dinghy was "obviously much lighter!" Success!The kids came over for lunch. Mason was in a great mood.

Dink is back - new engine and new roll bar!
The rest of the day we packed, cleaned and organized. I turned on the freezer and loaded with ice as a test. By dinner we were pretty tired so we borrowed Ky's car and went into town for dinner.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Anthem, AZ

Dec 4, 2013

Safe and sound at the house in Anthem. The trip was uneventful except for the "lady" that sat in the middle seat between me (window) and Deidre (Aisle). She was suffering from a bad dose of the black plague, or maybe tuberculosis or just pneumonia, but if Deidre and I survive this trip without getting what she had I will report it to the Pope and ask for declaration of a consecrated miracle.

Fortunately, the house was just as we left it - a 13 month time capsule. The electricity was on but water and gas were off. I have a bunch of 5 gallon buckets that I fill at the neighbor's tap and flush all the toilets. The water and gas people come Thursday (hopefully in the AM)

After the boat this little house feels enormous, and the giant King sized bed looks very inviting,

December 5, 2013

The water and gas were on by 8:40 AM and I was showered and at the doctors by 9:30 AM (Blood) followed by the Eye Doctor (Eyes) by 11:15 AM and then back to Anthem to get Deidre and back to Dr. Dicks (Teeth) by 2:50 PM. Popped in on Bill & Tony's on the way home. Anthem is "a bit out of town" so it was a 150 mile day. Quiet evening.

Friday December 6, 2013

Deidre left at 9 AM and was at Mayo Clinic all day. I got a hair cut. Dinner with Dick and Marcia.

Saturday December 7, 2013

Lunch at Dicks with Nick and Lyn (who are visiting from Boston) and we managed to drink 3 bottles of champagne. Quick drive back to Anthem to shower and dress up for the GlobeNet Christmas party.

Sunday December 8, 2013

Easy morning - Sunday paper and coffee. Really nice Lunch at Kerry and Julian's (expatriate Aussies) Stopped at Cosco and ordered my new glasses, then back home for a quiet evening.

Monday December 9, 2013

Deidre was off early today for her physical, Pap test, mammogram, new shoes, and renewed drivers license - not bad! I stayed home and had lunch with Bill.Tomorrow is "my day". The TV has no service and we have  no CDs except the Collingwood-St Kilda Grand Final - the one that we won!

Tuesday December 10, 2013

My doctor day today - skin guy at 9 AM (all clear) followed by prostate guy at 10:30 AM who cancelled (must have had a sore finger) so I had to kill time till the GP at 3 PM (all clear). Deidre stayed home and hosted the termite treatment crew. 

Wednesday December 11, 2013

Deidre at the eye doctor in the morning followed by a bit of shopping at the local "outlet mall". I bought 5 nice quality pieces of clothing for less than $50. Dick visited for dinner at our place.

Thursday December 12, 2013

Deidre at the GP's first thing followed by a visit to the license place. Back to Anthem to hand over the car to me to drive back into town for my delayed prostate doctor at 3 PM. Then out will Bill and Cleveland friends for a few beers and pizza.  

Friday December 13, 2013

Met with Rick Keyt our attorney at 10 AM wrap up wills and trusts. Followed immediately by lunch with Steve Lance our insurance.& annuities guy. Quick bit of Xmas shopping and back then back to Rick for the signing. (Strikes me that Friday 13 was a bad day for that, but Rick assured me that "Superstitions only bring bad luck!") Then I stooged while Deidre met up with her teacher friends for a Friday night drink. Back to Anthem for Chinese.

Saturday December 14, 2013

Pretty much a free day. Deidre's old school Xmas party that night. Packed. 

Sunday December 15, 2013

Euclid Partners meetings in Las Vegas this week. Bill picked me up at about 9 AM and we caught a flight to LV and checked in at "Paris" by 11 AM. Our partners Don and Marietta arrived in time for lunch and we debated our issues for a couple of hours. Debate continued over a very expensive and very ordinary dinner that night. 

Monday December 16, 2013

EP meetings at breakfast, lunch and dinner. In between the partners gambled and I walked around looking at the LV sights. It is an amazing and crazy place. Another expensive and ordinary dinner.

Tuesday December 17, 2013

I was up at 4 AM to catch my flight back to Phoenix. Deidre met me at Phoenix airport and we continued on to Charleston. Safe and sound on Tide Hiker by 9 PM 

Monday, December 2, 2013

Isle of Palms

Monday December 2, 2013

We leave Wednesday for Phoenix. The re-galvanized chain is ready and so I plan to drive to/from Jacksonville Tuesday. That gives us today to get organized. Kylie started her new job today, she dropped Mason off at day care and Ryan picked him up at about 4PM - they all seemed to do OK. I only had an hour to work on scraping and sanding. We took the boat up to the fuel dock for a pump out, as we will be away for almost two weeks.

Tuesday December 3, 2013

Big day. The rental car people picked me up at about 8:30 AM and I was on my way to Jacksonville by 9 AM. The chain was ready so I was on my way back by 2 PM. Made good progress till I stopped for gas, then pulled out of the gas station the wrong way! Took about 25 miles for me to realize my error - dark and featureless road is my only excuse! I was tired when I arrived back at the boat, having driven 540 miles in the day. But the chain looked shiney!

Another big day tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Mountain High. NC

Sunday November 24, 2013

Got on the road by about 11 AM but took it easy and did not arrive till about 5 PM. David and family beat us to the house(s) and had the heat on. Fun reunion. Cooked hamburgers for dinner. The house(s) are located on the side of a mountain, quite islolated, about 4,000 ft.

Monday November 25, 2013

Connor and Fiona babysitting
Somewhat of a rest day. David and the kids and I went for a walk in the bush. The girls went shopping. Jen's turn to make dinner. the kids got to meet their new cousin.

Tuesday November 26, 2013
Strange, but interesting design
It snowed over night.

Did some exploring today. Visited the Grove hotel to check out the National Gingerbread House entries. Then visited friends Nick & Lynn at Black Mountain. Ryan arrived about 5 PM. Ky & Ryan cooked dinner

Wednesday November 27, 2013

Tough duty
Snowed overnight. The kids headed off to the Biltmore and G & G are babysitting. Adam and family left Cleveland about 10AM and have some bad weather to get through. Called boating friends in IOP and asked them to turn the heat on in the boat as they are expecting freezing temps tonight.

Thursday November 28, 2013 (Thanksgiving)

 The girls spent most of the day cooking. The guys..... Lunch/dinner was at about 4 PM.

Friday November 29, 2013
Ruby, Connor, Fiona with Mason

We all went downtown Asheville for the day. Its a nice town and downtown is quite lively

Saturday November 30, 2013

David, Jen, Kathy & Adam working on the puzzle
David and family left about 8:30 AM for his 1,000 mile drive home. We had finished the jigsaw puzzle by 10 AM. Adam, Kathy, Ruby, Indy and Deidre went to the Biltmore. Kylie, Ryan, Mason and Bob went hiking. Adam made dinner.

Sunday December 1, 2013

Adam and family were on the road by 9 AM, Kylie, Ryan and Mason soon after. Deidre and I stayed back to finish the clean up and hand over the keys. We left about 10:30 AM and we were back on the boat by 4PM. Traffic was heavy but moved.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Isle Of Palms, SC (Family and Projects!)

Thursday October 31, 2013

Today is planning day. We have 51 boat projects plus some travelling to do, plus need some family time with Kylie, ryan and Mason. The project list is so long that I am setting up a "Project Management" system on the computer. Work starts tomorrow!

Primarily on David and Jen's prompting we have arranged a "Blackman family get-together" in Ashville, NC. We have rented a house for a week and expect all 13 of us to participate. We expect to be away at least a week 11/24 to 12/01. Should be fun.

On December 4 we fly to Phoenix for 13 days. Deidre and I have lined up a bunch of doctor and dentist appointments, plus a couple of Xmas parties plus I have a 3 day visit for a business meeting in Las Vegas. We will stay at the Anthem house.

Friday November 1, 2013

Started washing the boat. Deidre had hosed it off yesterday and got most of the salt off the hull. I started up top washing the bimini and clears. Had Stan from "Belleair" over for dinner.

Saturday November 2, 2013

Carpet cleaning day. After breakfast Deidre and I dismantled the Salon and moved most of the furniture out onto the aft deck. Ryan called in about 10 AM and helped with the couch (It weighed a ton). Ryan gave me a ride into Mt Pleasant to pick up the carpet cleaner. We had to deal with the Salon carpet "in situ", but the other pieces we carried up to the house and laid them out on a deck. Ryan also helped me move the freezer of the Flying Bridge onto the dinghy deck, so I could inspect and remove the wooden base.

Hillbilly boat
The carpet pieces are pretty beat up, but they cleaned up as well as can be expected. I think we have decided to get a contractor to refinish the teak and holly floor in the galley and replace the carpet in the Pilothouse with new teak and holly. It would look very sexy. I carried the freezer base over to the house and sanded it down, and gave it its first coat of varnish.

The house needs a drain down the west side. Rain water drips off the roof and splashes the side of the house with mud as it digs a hole. So while I waited for the varnish to dry and Deidre to finish up I started digging the drain trench.

Sunday November 3, 2013

Breakfast with the family
Breakfast out with the "young Taylors" and the "not so young Taylors" (Gene and Nelma). Mason sat up in a high chair and otherwise was handed from Grand parent to Grand parent. Gene is a great mechanic so I chatted with him about my dinghy project

Back to the boat and Ryan helped Deidre and I unload the lazerette. Two truckloads later the contents were in the garage under the house. The boat came 4" out of the water. The rest of the day I spent cleaning the ER and lazerette, and attempting to stop the rudder post leak by adjusting the pressure on the packing.
Ryan also helped me move the freezer off the fly bridge and onto the dinghy deck. I then unfastened the base and took it over to the house to get cleaned up and refinished. The freezer also needs some touch up.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Visited Aloha Friday (Ted & Nancy) to hear about their solar system. Deidre borrowed the car and we went grocery and project shopping. I continued to clean the ER and did some part sorting over at the house. Got cold  and we turned on the heat. I have a lot of projects underway but very few crossed off! The guy coming to quote on the "teak and holly" floor was stopped by the police on the island and arrested. So much for that.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Bloody cold and windy - just 46 degrees when we got up. Deidre and Kylie went to the baby doctor -  big news is that Mason is in the 80th percentile for weight but 45th for height - so a true Blackman! While they were away I visited with the owners of a new DeFever 49 RPH on our finger, "River Girl".

Lunch with Aloha Friday. After lunch I got back to work on the ElectroScan, installing an immersion pump into the salt tank. I ordered the pump from the UK. Took me all afternoon. I fired it up and so far it has successfully completed 3 cycles. A bit early to claim victory, but out sanitation woes may be over. :)

Mason, Ryan and Kylie came for dinner, and I told them all about my immersion pump.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The immersion pump is still working. So I tidied up the wiring and consider it done. Next job was to dismantle the windlass to retrieve the parts for chrome plating. It came apart well and we will drive them to the plater on Friday. Cleaned and painted the ER floor. Deidre started taping the rails for varnish. If the weather is OK will big sanding and varnishing tomorrow.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

The immersion pump is still working! Borrowed Kylie's car and went shopping. Back at the boat Deidre and I started taping and sanding the varnished teak rails. Two visitors today quoting on "teak and holly" and electronics. Drinks over at BelleAire, dinner on the boat.

Friday, November 8, 2013

We borrowed Kylie's car and were on the road by 8:15 AM. First stop was breakfast at Denny's! That was a bit of a bust but we were back on the road by 9:15AM with ETA at the Chrome Plater of 1:00 PM. The processor was located in a run down industrial park in Greenwood, SC. "In the day", Greenwood was a traditional "company town" with 28 cotton and textile mills owned by a Mr Self. He owned everything - the mills, the brick works, the lumber mill, the houses, the movie theater - the lot. Mr Self and family are well gone now, the town is down to one textile mill, but otherwise seems to be doing OK. Our parts will be ready in 4-6 weeks - that will be cutting it fine!

Then off to another little town called "Donalds, SC" where I had identified a teak distributor. I need a piece to replace a broken door stop and cannot find it in Charleston. The town was barely an intersection, one gas station, no McDonalds! The address took us down a narrow country road, I was expecting to find a hillbilly in a garage. Lo and behold around a corner on a leafy hill - the largest importer and teak mill in the USA. Maybe 20 acres of processing and storage. My Dad would have loved the place, so much wood.

We were back at the boat by 7 PM, having driven about 400 miles and had a lot of fun.

Saturday, November 8. 2013

At least that got done!
I tried to start sanding early but it was probably 10 AM before I started. I wanted to get all the railing ready for the Admiral. Deidre started varnishing after lunch and I moved to repairing the Salon door stop. Then the kids came! and that was sorta that. Maybe 25% got varnished, but the door stop is glued and screwed!

Mark & Donna called and invited us to a movie at the Italian Film Festival. The movie was a bit strange but it was good to be down town on a Saturday night. Light dinner afterwards.

Sunday November 10, 2013

Completed the first coat of varnish today! Started on the Flying Bridge varnish project by replacing the bow thruster boot with the new one. Began preparing the area for sanding and prep by dismantling the perspex anti-glare shield and removing the "odds and ends boxes".

I have taped posters all over the marina looking for other people needing to galvanize their chains, so we can jointly reach the minimum weight. I was approached today by a boat owner with 110 lb of anchors to galvanize. Its a start.

This afternoon we were invited to the Taylors' for family bar-b-que. Its always fun to be in such an expanded family situation, plus watch the fuss they all make of Mason. A good time.

Project Count:
8 Complete
15 Started
42 Not started

Monday November 11, 2013

This morning I sanded the rails again and Deidre applied another coat. Another flooring person visited to price the pilothouse teak & holly project. I continued preparing the FB for sanding and varnish - dropped a stainless fitting into the water moments after I said to myself: "Self, don't drop anything over the side!" I have decided to do one side at a time and have started stripping the port side.

After lunch we launched the dink. One of the bladders was quite flat so tried to pump it up. The hand pump split so ended up jury rigging the hose and using the compressor. Good thing I did because Gene Taylor called and was waiting at the marina launch ramp with a small trailer on his truck. Took the dink to his workshop on the golf course. (Friends in right places...... )

Talked to a yard today about the solar project. Seems like it is a "Go".

Project Count:
8 Complete
20 Started
37 Not started

Tuesday November 12, 2013

Good progress today. I sanded the rails with 400 grit wet and dry and Deidre varnished. This is the 3rd coat and the rails are starting to look like glass. While Deidre varnished I routed out the cable pass in the FB counter and fitted a plastic the collar.
We had applied chemical stripper on the port side of the FB yesterday and I started scraping today. It is now 80% clean. I hope to finish tomorrow - weather permitting.
I met Gene over at his workshop at about 3PM. The idea was that I was going to do the work under his supervision - but too late. By the time I arrived the motor was off and the center console removed. The dink is looking a bit sad now. Gene will bring it back to the house and I plan to clean it up and mount the new motor - that I have not found yet.
We are expecting a big storm tonight with gale force winds so we are buttoning up the boat.

Wednesday November 13, 2013

Very windy last night, northerly on our stern. The wind load was primarily on one spring line, and it was groaning, so at about 9 PM I ventured out into the cold and added lines. Even in the marina we rocked around a bit during the night. When we woke up the temp was down to 38 degrees and thew wind was still blowing. Deidre headed over to the house to babysit for Kylie (who had an interview later in the morning) and I met a contractor who was quoting on the solar panel frame.

When he left I resumed work on stripping and scraping the teak on the Fly Bridge, and continued all day. It is a tedious job but I think I have the stripping part 95% complete, and then the sanding stage to look forward to! (And that is just on the port side)

Thursday November 14, 2013

Back into scraping and sanding. Ready to varnish about 2:00 PM and gave it a coat. The result did not "jump out at me" like I hoped. But maybe after another 6 or 7 coats. At 3:00 PM I rode back over to the house to restart work on the trench and continue sorting through stores. I am getting a bit frustrated with the "contractors". The electronics guy promised a quote a week ago - still absent. We picked the lowest bid on the teak & holly and now they are not responding. Time is ticking.

Took the three kids out for Mexican tonight.

Friday November 15, 2013

Progress! Both the welding guy and the flooring lady called back! I agreed on a price for the welding, and the flooring lady made an appointment to show us samples. Progress at last. If only the wireless guy would respond.....

The Admiral at work
Deidre headed to town in Ky's car to the Chiropractor and shopping, and I sanded and prepped varnish. Now that the welder is back in play I can get him to build the "staples" for the dinghy. Deidre ran back to "sit" Mason while Ky did an over the phone interview. Back on the boat she resumed varnishing. I installed a couple of U bolts into the shed wall at the top of the ramp to bolt our bikes to.

Gene is coming over for a beer after work. After dinner we will babysit Mason so the kids can go to the movies. Its all go!!!!

Saturday November 16, 2013

Thought we deserved a treat so we headed off for breakfast on our bikes to one of the restaurants in the resort. We both chose a local version of Eggs Benedict - poached egg on a crab cake over a fried green tomato. (Plus grits, but we sent those back!) Plenty of calories but the bike ride was at least two miles each way thru the tropical paradise that this part of the island is all about.

Chemicals and scraper
Back to sanding and staining. I must admit that today I felt a bit overwhelmed with the state of the boat projects. The varnishing project is especially hard on the Admiral because it is so disruptive and the boat is in such disarray as a result. Plus I have used up 2 1/2 weeks of our 9 weeks here - but we "lose" 1 week for Thanksgiving and 2 weeks for Arizona, so I am starting to feel that I am running out of time.  I need to increase my pace and intensity and ease up on the Admiral!

Dinner out with the (senior) Taylor's - another local experience - each table at "Gilligans" has a two gallon plastic bucket countersunk in the middle for the crab and shrimp detritus - and I have seen them filled to the brim! Really pleasant evening plus good news from Gene - he has come up with a buyer for the 25HP outboard off the dinghy! That will help the budget.

Sunday November 17, 2013

The Drain Digger
Breakfast at Kylies, followed by more stripping and varnishing. PH port now has 4 coats - half way? Work curtailed by rain. Installed Hi Water alarm sender and tested OK. Two more boats interested in re-galvanizing chain, for a total of 5, and all I need is 4. Spent another hour digging the trench at the house - the digging part is now about 75% complete.

Monday November 18, 2013

I tried to get rolling a little earlier today. Most of the morning on the phone ordering parts and organizing the anchor chain project. Actually made phone contact with the flooring lady and explained my new rules: "You must commit to responding to my email or phone calls withing 24 hours or the deal is off". She is promising samples by Wednesday. We will see.

Deidre was doing the work but did not want her photo taken. 
Deidre washed the dinghy canvas (it needs to go to the repair man) and then scrubbed the dinghy. I dug a few more feet of the trench. Then reloaded the grease gun and greased the rudder posts. Then back to scraping, sanding and varnishing.

Bad and good news. Rockville Marine cannot take us before Monday Jan 6. Puts us 6 days behind plan (which is OK if we can remain here) and gives me 6 more days to get the projects finished. Dinner on BelleAire tonight.

Tuesday November 19, 2013

Productive day today. This morning I ordered parts and spares from the diesel engine supply company. Then ordered the solar panels, the charge controller and miscel equipment from the solar company. Then contacted all 4 of the chain re-galvanizing people and filled them in on our plan to truck the chains to Jacksonville on Friday. Biked over to Kylie's and built a solid crate for our chain (the chain will weigh about 300lbs) and then dug another few feet of the drain trench. I think the trench is about 75% and so need to start thinking gravel and slotted pipe.

Back at the boat I put another couple of hours into scraping on the rails on the stb. side of the bridge. I guess I am about 75% done (on a square inch basis) and about 50% done (on a time and effort basis - all the easy bits are done.) Gave the port side another coat of varnish. Swept up.

Wednesday November 19, 2013

Cold and windy. I spent the morning inside on the computer organizing work for the fabricator. Resumed scraping for a couple of hours. Its really too cold for the chemicals to work (Needs 60 degrees). Finished attaching the new wipers. Deidre went shopping with Ky.

"Cavara" arrived about 5 PM. Don and Barb have been working on her for 4 years and this is their maiden voyage from Beaufort, NC. We met them and shared a bottle of champagne followed by nice dinner at the marina restaurant. Their boat is the same model and year as Tide Hiker.

Updated project count:
Finished 14
Started  18
Not Started 34
Total 66

Thursday November 20, 2013

Best to haul the chain at hi tide

Not at low tide
High tide was at about 10 AM so we wanted to get the chain on dry land by then. We did better than that and got it into a plastic box by the road. It was then apparent that the crate I had built was too small so back to the house to reconstruct the box.

Quick trip over to the "teak & holly" lady'd place to look at samples. They look good so gave her the OK. The electronics guy came up with a price for the AIS - no dice.

After late lunch Deidre babysat while Ky went to a job interview. I returned to scraping and sanding. I think I am close - maybe 98% done. Picked up the rental truck at 5PM. Dinner at Kylie's. Ryan helped load the chain and the anchors in the truck. Ready for an early start in the AM.

Friday November 22, 2013

Big day - we were on the road by 7:30 AM, arrived the galvanizing plant at about Noon and turned around as we needed to have the truck back by 5:30 PM. Turns out we had enough time to pick up drain pipe for the ditch and 20 gallons of oil for the boat and still made it. The rental car guy did a double take noting the 510 miles for the day....

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Isle of Palms!

October 30, 2013
Lat 33 11.070 N
Long 79 15.919 N

Bon Voyage "disconnected" about 7 AM. Deidre thinks she heard ropes tossed on our deck about 7 AM. We slept on as we only had 36 NM left to make it to the IOP. Eventually we got going about 10 AM. The chain and anchor came up clean as a whistle, that was a surprise.

Very different being on the ICW compared to the Atlantic. Prettier, but demands lots of attention. We left at about low tide and came across several shallow spots, but by then we were in touch with Jon and he warned us of all the shallow spots. We arrived at the IOP Marina at 3:30 PM and Kylie and Mason were there to great us. We took a pump out and then went to the slip.

The rest of the afternoon and evening were spent with the kids. Mason is going to be a Sumo wrestler, a first in our family I think! He is a healthy and happy kid.
Ky and Mason on the dock!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Minum Creek

October 29, 2013
33 11.379 N
79 16.389 W

It was very dark at 5:30 AM when we got up. Once washed and dressed we prepared Tide Hiker for departure. The same was going on next door on Bon Voyage. It was still totally dark when we backed out of the slip a few minutes past 6 AM. It was actually worse than dark because of bright lights on shore messing up our night vision. This was the darkest we had ever moved the boat in close quarters. I could not see a thing and was piloting from the chart plotter and radar, and Deidre was out on deck trying to spot “land marks”. We came close to hitting a day marker – totally my fault as it was showing on the chart plotter and the radar. Jon called on the radio “Nice miss!”

I was a bit rattled and asked Jon to take over the lead. As he was passing we both detected a tug and barge coming at us in the channel. We headed starboard and crept along the edge of the channel as we headed out to sea. I could see another object on radar. Jon has “AIS” so could identify that it was a pilot boat. They slipped past us in the dark. All was well, but I was a bit spooked.

By 7 AM the light was starting to spread and Deidre came of the deck into the pilothouse. She had been on deck for the best part of an hour and was cold. The sun came up about 7:30 AM. It was a cloudless morning with a 10 mph breeze on our stern starboard quarter. The forecast had not changed, looked like we would have a pleasant crossing. Total distance for today would be about 81 NM – just under 12 hours.

It’s now mid-morning. We have made about 30 NM and we are running at a pleasing 7.3 kt, so we must be getting a little help from wind, waves or current. If this keeps up we will make it with daylight left over.

The waves are on our stern quarter and tend to slew the boat as they lift the stern. We have the stabilizers on “active” but the boat still has an awkward movement, and Deidre is feeling a bit wan. We are now about 15 NM off shore, we will be as much as 20 NM off later in the day. Other than Bon Voyage we are totally alone, although Jon tells me his AIS shows a boat somewhat astern of us but on the same course.  

It’s now mid- afternoon. In many ways a day like this is like the flight to Australia. Once you get underway and get the autopilot onto course, the rest of the day is made up of eating, reading, computer games, and snoozing broken up by a few engine room visits. Deidre is a bit bored, I am feeling quite mellow. The weather is even better now. Our ETA at the channel light is 4:06 PM, at the first possible anchorage 5:15 PM and 6:01 PM at the preferred anchorage. I have been chatting with Jon on the radio and we have decided to raft the boats and eat together. They will not be stopping in Charleston, but continuing to Florida to link up with “Gotta Smile” and head of to the British Virgin Islands, so tonight will be “our last supper” for a while.

Now we are anchored. We made such good time we made it to the preferred anchorage before 6 PM. We anchored Tide Hiker and Bob Voyage came alongside and rafted. Bonnie made dinner, Deidre and I brought snacks. We part ways tomorrow and we will miss these guys. :(

In total we ran 12 hours today and covered 99 SM. We are anchored in a very isolated spot. It is pitch black but we can here the porpoises around the boat. It is too misty to see them with the spot light.
Sunrise at last!

Just the two of us - plus one

The lighthouse at Winyah Bay

Monday, October 28, 2013

Southport, NC

October 28, 2013
33 54.975 N
78 01.395 W

Getting a hair cut (We assume!)
Deidre made French toast for breakfast and we took it easy. We watched Jon get a hair cut. We were underway at 9:30 AM. It was fun to be back in the ICW in the south - it just looks different than Chesapeake and Virginia.

We were headed for a "free dock" associated with a restaurant in Southport. The ICW cuts from the coast across to the Cape Fear river about 10 miles north of Southport, on the Atlantic. This route allows us to avoid the Cape Fear shoals, and the river is a major shipping channel heading North to Wilmington, NC.

We arrived off the restaurant-dock at about 1 PM and tied up. The docks are not particularly "friendly" and there is a 5' tide. Tide Hiker is a big boat for this dock, and as I brought her in I am sure there were diners expecting out anchor to project over their table. The local MTOA port captain was there to greet us. We made arrangements for him and his wife to join us for dinner (The dock is free if you eat at the restaurant.)

Running for office
After settling in Deidre and I went for a walk into town. Its a small touristy place with the usual array of touristy shops and restaurants. She bought some games for the grand kids. We also managed to buy 1/2 dozen books from the library at $1 each.

Later that afternoon an Australian guy knocked on the hull and introduced himself. He was from Adelaide, lived in the USA for 25 years, made and raced motor cycles. He had seen our flag from the restaurant.

The Port Captain and wife arrived at about 5PM and after drinks on Tide Hiker we ate in the restaurant. The food is very forgettable, but the bill was only $30, and that included the dock! Such a deal.

Watch out for that ship, Jon

Bit of a squeeze!
We were in bed early as we planned to leave in the dark on Tuesday.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Wrightsville Beach

October 27, 2013
34 12.315 N
77 48.041 W

I must have messed up setting the alarm clock with the result that Deidre and I overslept and missed the ETD target by 15 minutes. Fortunately Jon had sent us an "We are ready" text that woke us up. We raced around to boat to get ready and get the anchor up, and were underway about 20 minutes late.

We had slept OK even though the wind seemed to be pretty brisk during the night and we could hear the anchor chain working. The forecast indicated 10-15 kts in te AM decreasing during the day. As we rounded the point out of the anchorage and into the Atlantic we ran into the results of the windy night. The seas were quite rough with some six footers mixed in to the chop. Because we had rushed our departure, and did not anticipate these conditions, we had not really prepared properly and things started to "fly" around. We took turns running around securing the boat. This time only the table and plants on the aft dock took a dive. We left them where they landed, dirt and all.

Contrary to the forecast the wind was blowing 15-20 and was more West than North and basically on our bow. We were pitching a lot and taking a lot of spray. Talked to Jon and Bonnie over the radio about bailing out but decided that the forecast seemed consistent and that conditions would probably improve as we got away from the Cape and the tide.

We had noticed a fair bit of naval chat on the radio yesterday, and it continued today. There seemed to be a flotilla of ships in the area including an aircraft carrier. We had seen a few shapes on the horizon and as the day progressed a couple of them appeared near our path.

The wind started to drop mid morning and by Noon conditions were much better. The wind continued to drop all afternoon and by the time we reached the Masonboro channel the ocean was basically a millpond. Masonboro is not a first class entrance (ie not a ship channel) but it has a god reputation and we saw 20' all the way in. The Wrightsville Beach anchorage is about a mile north and we were anchored before 6 PM. It was perfectlty calm and we enjoyed a very peaceful night.

Busy anchorage

We now feel that we have made it from "the north" to "the south". Virginia style colonial houses on embankments are now replaced by southern style ranches built on stilts. Marsh replaces Cyprus swamp. In theory we are now only 3 boat days from Charleston.

Cape Lookout

Saturday October 26, 2013
34 37.189 N
76 32.976 W

This is my all time favorite anchorage. I just wish it was summer and that we could stay for a few days. Instead, we will be up before dawn hauling up the anchor and underway off shore to Wrightsville Beach.

Lighthouse at cape Lookout

We were a bit lazy getting out of New Bern this morning but made up some time with favorable tides and reached Cape Lookout by 4:30 PM. It was a cold night and a clear crisp morning, made for a sunny and calm run east on the Neuse River and then south on Adams Creek and past Beaufort and Morehead City, and out into the Atlantic.

Looking over the dunes to the Atlantic

Cape Lookout is beautifully protected from the Atlantic, but quite isolated and naturally wild. Occasionally you see green turtles and porpoises and we are told that there are wild houses on the dunes. We were only there as an overnight, but I hope we get the chance to revisit in the summer. It was a clear but cool and blowy evening, with lots of starts. As we climbed into bed it felt quite strange to be so warm and comfortable in what was basically a pretty hostile environment.

Cape Lookout Lighthouse at sunset