Monday, October 28, 2013

Southport, NC

October 28, 2013
33 54.975 N
78 01.395 W

Getting a hair cut (We assume!)
Deidre made French toast for breakfast and we took it easy. We watched Jon get a hair cut. We were underway at 9:30 AM. It was fun to be back in the ICW in the south - it just looks different than Chesapeake and Virginia.

We were headed for a "free dock" associated with a restaurant in Southport. The ICW cuts from the coast across to the Cape Fear river about 10 miles north of Southport, on the Atlantic. This route allows us to avoid the Cape Fear shoals, and the river is a major shipping channel heading North to Wilmington, NC.

We arrived off the restaurant-dock at about 1 PM and tied up. The docks are not particularly "friendly" and there is a 5' tide. Tide Hiker is a big boat for this dock, and as I brought her in I am sure there were diners expecting out anchor to project over their table. The local MTOA port captain was there to greet us. We made arrangements for him and his wife to join us for dinner (The dock is free if you eat at the restaurant.)

Running for office
After settling in Deidre and I went for a walk into town. Its a small touristy place with the usual array of touristy shops and restaurants. She bought some games for the grand kids. We also managed to buy 1/2 dozen books from the library at $1 each.

Later that afternoon an Australian guy knocked on the hull and introduced himself. He was from Adelaide, lived in the USA for 25 years, made and raced motor cycles. He had seen our flag from the restaurant.

The Port Captain and wife arrived at about 5PM and after drinks on Tide Hiker we ate in the restaurant. The food is very forgettable, but the bill was only $30, and that included the dock! Such a deal.

Watch out for that ship, Jon

Bit of a squeeze!
We were in bed early as we planned to leave in the dark on Tuesday.

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