Saturday, October 19, 2013

Top Rack, Chesapeake City, VA

Saturday October 19, 2013
36 44.354 N
76 17.768 W

Sometimes I have to remind myself that a crappy day boating is still better than a good day doing something else. Woke up to leaden skies, cool wind and frequent showers. Fortunately we had about 45 SM to our objective. The anchor was up and stowed by 9:30 and we headed out into the gray, choppy bay.
Another 3 of those cold war RO-RO ships

By lunch we were into Hampton Roads and had the navy to keep us entertained. Each time we pass thru this area (this was our 4th time on Tide Hiker) it just amazes me how much we have "invested" in war hardware. In total we saw 6 aircraft carriers including the Reagan and the Bush. super carriers. Impressive, but sad.

We arrived at Top Rack at about 4 PM and backed into the fuel dock and loaded 314 gallons of diesel and filled the water tanks. Also attempted to pump out, but the system was not very effective. All done, they sent us to another slip for the night. The appeal of this location is that you can "eat your slip fee" in their restaurant.  It is a classy restaurant so we were looking forward to a "free" meal and we both took a shower and gussied up.

Aircraft carrier in dry dock, another waiting its turn
Another boat had pulled in after us, and as we strolled over to the restaurant we met their owners and decided to eat together. Both our meals were a bit disappointing, but the conversation was good.

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