Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Belle Haven, NC

Tuesday October 22, 2013

Jon is an early bird so we were underway at 7:30 AM and arrived Belle haven at 2:00 PM after a pleasant and uneventful run.

Hakuna Matata (try that after a couple of beers!) was waiting for us when we arrived, although in the marina waiting for a replacement starter for one of their main engines. Hakuna Matata is a DF 49 just like Tide Hiker. We met HK's crew - Jeff and Lisa - 19 months ago in Stuart the day we purchased Tide Hiker.

Belle Haven has a protected harbor that is a good anchorage. So we dropped our anchor and put out 200' feet of chain. Within a short time both Bob Voyage and HK were rafted up to Tide Hiker (Hence all the chain). Once we were settled the party began.

Dinner was hosted by Jeff and Lisa on HK and a good time was had by all. Jon had asked me to pick up 8 bottles of champagne when we were at Great Bridge, a request I was happy to oblige. One of the couples arriving in Belle Haven (Slip and Cammy) were newly married, and Jon was planning a celebration. OK with me.

Tide Hiker's anchor did a good job and we all work up in the morning at basically the same part of the anchorage. If the drag alarm had gone off during the night I am not too sure how well the three captains would have responded.

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