Sunday, October 20, 2013

Great Bridge

Sunday October 20, 2013
36 48.270 N
76 14.480 W

Relaxed morning, Deidre made eggs and bacon. We pulled out of the slip in time to catch the 10 AM opening of the "Steel Bridge". This was followed in a mile or so by the Great Bridge lock. We then tied up for the day to the bulkhead just south of the lock. We needed to wait a day for Jon & Bonnie, and also needed a "big shop". Unlike the previous day, the day was bright and sunny and reasonably calm.

Jon and Bonnie arrived at Top Rack about 4 PM and fueled up. They will leave there in the AM to catch the 7 AM Steel Bridge opening and "pick us up" as they pass thru Great Bridge. We then have two long days ahead of us totaling 119 NM in order to meet friends in Belle Haven on Tuesday night.

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