Monday, October 14, 2013

Under way at Last (Solomons, MD)

Monday October 14, 2013
38 20.134 N
76 26.143 W

The SCA was extended another day! This has now been going on for a week. But the weather looks OK to to us so the anchor was up by 9:15 AM and we are under way. We expect to rendezvous with Bon Voyage when we get into the bay. Its sunny and the wind can only be 10 MPH, the waves are only 1 foot with a few 2 footers mixed in, no white water, its a "Trawler Millpond".

We ended up about 3 miles ahead of Bon Voyage and stayed about that distance till the Solomons, occasionally chatting on the radio. There were quite a lot of  We headed past all the marinas and up Mill Creek to an anchorage. There were already several boats there but room for us. We settled in and Bon Voyage arrived half an hour later and rafted up. I have just finished setting up the table and chairs on the aft deck. After a pretty gloomy week there is some sun to enjoy.

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