Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Corinthian Yacht Club

Tuesday October 15, 2013
38 07.002 N
76 23.857 W

here comes the Navy
Very quiet night and we slept well with full tummies. Jon and Bonnie we off at 8AM. (They are getting hauled here and expect to delayed a few days). We lollygagged around till 9 'ish as we did not have far to go to "The Corinthian Yacht Club" where we had won a free night at the MTOA. It was a logical stop on the way south and we planned to stay 2 days to give Jon and Bonnie chance to catch up.

The day started sunny and fresh but ended up a bit bleak. There is a navy air station in the area and it was obvious by all the activity that something was up. Sure enough, as we rounded Cedar Point a Navy guard boat "ran us down" and suggested we alter course to avoid being blown up. We acquiessed.

We were all tied up at the Corinthian by about 2:30 PM and had a look around. Dead as a door nail. We found a person and asked if we could bike ride to "anything". Nearest attraction was a gas station about 2 miles away. It was spitting rain, we were surrounded by dead fields of soy beans, so we retreated to the boat. Tried the TV - and for the first time ever - not one TV station.

"All I did was take a photo, Officer"
We both hate killing time and we have done a bit of that lately. So we have decided to get outa here in the AM! There is an historical port on the east side of the bay called Onancock and that looks like a winner.

Not a lot of neighbours

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