Friday, October 18, 2013

Poquosan River

Friday October 18, 2013
37 09.291 N
76 24.730 W

It seemed calm enough when we woke up. We checked the weather and the SCA was still in force till 10 AM with 15-20 kt winds. If we left at 9:00 AM it would take an hour to get to the bay, and we are comfortable in 15-20 kts, so all seemed well. We started engines and were under way by 9:15 AM. As we approached the bay and left the protection of the creek it fast became apparent we were in for a blow. We immediately rechecked the weather - and lo and behold the SCA had been continued until 1 PM.

Deidre "battened down the hatches" and out we went. For the first 5 miles or so the wind was on out stb bow and did we take a beating. The waves were 3' to 6' feet and we made a lot of spray as well as rolling a fair bit. Things started to crash around - worse being my printer/scanner "flew" of its shelf and landed with a bang. The pennant blew of its pole on the bow - I saw one connection fail but the other connection failed before I could get there. I had trouble moving on the bow so the Admiral said "No more outside"

We debated changing plans, but we did not seem to have a lot of choices. Things did settle down a bit when we were able to turn south-west. But every 5 or 10 minutes there seemed to be a set of waves that really rolled us.

Amazingly, about 12:30 PM the wind dropped and over the next hour or so the wave hights followed. By early afternoon conditions were perfect, and remained that way till we anchored. Overall we traveled 51 NM in 7.5 hours.

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