Saturday, October 12, 2013

Rhode River

Saturday October 12, 2013
38 53.125 N
76 31.273 W

The weather was still poor, there was still a SCA , but we really wanted to leave. We decided to head out and immediately duck into the Magothy River if conditions were too bad. There was no hurry so we took our time getting the boat ready, backed out of the slip at 11 AM and headed over for a pump out. Under way again at 11:30 AM.

Couple of ROROs
Did I ever mention the military RORO ships on the east coast? During the cold war the US built a fleet of Roll-on Roll-off ships that were pre loaded with tanks and guns etc so that if the situation deteriorated in Europe they could just cast off and be on their way. The troops to use the equipment would fly over and meet their equipment. Fortunately they were never used, but every east coast port has 1/2 a dozen of these ships, in "mothballs". We saw 5 in Baltimore.

The conditions were a bit lumpy where the Patasco met the Chesapeake but as soon as we were able to turn south and put the wind on our stern everything seemed to settle down. Rain threatened a couple of times but did not happen. Some friends left about the same time and they were headed for the Rhode River, so we decided that the conditions were OK and that we would give the Magothy a miss and join them. We are anchored now, its a good spot.

Deidre, look out your window!
The SCA has now been extended another day (thru tomorrow) so we will just wait and see how the weather looks in the AM. At the moment the wind is blowing in exactly the opposite direction to the forecast. (Maybe the Federal Government shut down has reduced the usual amount of hot air and confused the forecasters?)

Bonnie just called and told us that our mail arrived but because we had left the office sent it back as undeliverable! My goodness, the world is full of ning-nongs. That is really frustrating.

We are comfortably anchored. The wind has died. We are surrounded in soft cloud and the air is 100% saturated. Its cozy inside, I have the fire on.

Sunday October 13, 2013

We have decided to stay put for the day. Steadfast left at 8:30 AM and radioed a report that conditions we are OK but we are not in a hurry, this anchorage is very nice place to kill a day while we wait for the Bryants to catch up with us. So we have cranked up the gen and have the heat on.

View out of the back door

I did not get out of my pajamas all day. Must say I do not know where the day went.

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