Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Isle of Palms!

October 30, 2013
Lat 33 11.070 N
Long 79 15.919 N

Bon Voyage "disconnected" about 7 AM. Deidre thinks she heard ropes tossed on our deck about 7 AM. We slept on as we only had 36 NM left to make it to the IOP. Eventually we got going about 10 AM. The chain and anchor came up clean as a whistle, that was a surprise.

Very different being on the ICW compared to the Atlantic. Prettier, but demands lots of attention. We left at about low tide and came across several shallow spots, but by then we were in touch with Jon and he warned us of all the shallow spots. We arrived at the IOP Marina at 3:30 PM and Kylie and Mason were there to great us. We took a pump out and then went to the slip.

The rest of the afternoon and evening were spent with the kids. Mason is going to be a Sumo wrestler, a first in our family I think! He is a healthy and happy kid.
Ky and Mason on the dock!

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