Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Onancock, VA

October 16, 2013
37 42.682 N
75 45.304 W

Very quiet night at Corinthian, so we slept well. Beautiful calm morning was a nice change. Our run to Onancock was only 43 miles so we took it easy and left at about 9 AM. We were crossing the Bay from side to side and for a change there was a lot of shipping around. We actually needed to adjust course to avoid one giant freighter. For most of the time Tide Hiker purred along on auto pilot.

Big ship in the way
Onancock was founded back in the 1600s as a port on the eastern shore. Access was 2 or 3 miles up a winding creek, quite picturesque. Our dock turned out to be a very short "back it in" space that caused us a bit of trouble as were were about 20' too long for it. So long as the weather stays calm we will be OK.

There is an MTOA boat parked next to us so we invited them in for a beer. After they left we headed into town for dinner. There are no Broadcast" TV stations here so we dug up one of our DVD movies and watched that. Dreadful. (Since then we have figured out that our TV aerial must be dead.)

Thursday October 17, 2013

We wandered into town after breakfast. The tide had come in over night and we were quite amazed how high it was - hard to understand why the parking lot was not flooded. The town was very 1800 ish and obviously set up for tourist with a few coffee shops, a few "antique" stores and several restaurants. Other than a bunch of churches and some nice well preserved old house, that was about it.  I eventually found a newspaper and we settled in a coffee shop for an hour or two.

After lunch we unloaded the bicycles and headed further out of town, finding nothing other than some more nice old houses and farm land. But the exercise was good. Deidre had spotted a fine dining sort of restaurant earlier in the day, so we gussied up and headed into town for dinner. Great dinner.

There was a bit of a storm front over night so we buttoned up the boat before bed. Seems like out TV aerial is kaput, so still no TV.

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