Saturday, March 16, 2013

Lake Worth

Saturday March 16, 2013
26 45.383 N
80 02.609 W

What a good day. Not a cloud in the sky, very little wind, smooth seas, no crab pots, deep, 1/2 knot favorable current all day, and anchored by 2PM. How can it get any better?

Six cruise ships at Ft. Lauderdale
We were up at 6:30 AM so we could catch just the start of the flooding tide. I had to turn the boat around and the river was only about 125 feet wide with expensive boats tied up both sides. Not a lot of room for error. As Deidre let go I backed the stern out into the flood current and it "caught" and by the time we were away from the dock we were half around. It was too early for much traffic so we had an easy run to the entrance.

The rest of the day was effortless, with only one 5% course change about 1/2 way there. We are now anchored in Lake Worth (Near Palm Beach). The anchor set first try.

Tomorrow we will run to Stuart where we have rented a dock behind a house for up to a week. Steve Kosch is arriving on 3/19 to do 3 days work on the boat, a couple of fixes but mostly PM.

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