Sunday, March 17, 2013

Stuart, FL (3/17 to 3/21)

Sunday March 17th (David's Birthday)
27 12.023 N
80 16.578 W

Easy day today, only about 35 NM in calm weather conditions. We were under way at a leisurely 9AM and out into the Atlantic shortly thereafter. It was a bit dull and overcast but waves were only about 2' and we continued to catch what appears to be a northbound current, so for much of the 25 or so miles outside we were doing over 8 knots.

We saw flying fish for the first time today. They "flew away" from the boat and typically went 50 to 100 yards. Quite strange.

The St Lucie entrance is a bit tricky, so this AM I called Tow Boats US and the US Coast Guard to get "the scoop" They were not much help so I assumed all was OK, and true enough the entrance was terror free. It got a bit complicated as the entrance crossed the ICW but we managed that and continued up the St Lucie to Stuart. There were a lot of pleasure boats around.

We are now docked behind a house in a suburb of Stuart. I have just reserved a car so Deidre can do some shopping and I can run for parts as needed. We expect Steve Kosch to pop in tomorrow to review the project list for the next three days. All is good.

Monday March 18th, 2013
Photographic record of how it must go back together

We picked up our car before lunch and celebrated with a bit of shopping. Steve Kach turned up after lunch and we started work. I have given him a list of projects and I doubt if it all gets done in the time we have. Steve took the lead and I was the observer/helper. We got a lot of things taken apart and made a big list of purchases.

Deidre and I went out for dinner and I just about fell asleep at the table.

Tuesday March 19th, 2013
Our first glass of water from the water-maker

Full day of work for all three of us. Deidre had to drive to Ft. Lauderdale to get parts - 90 minutes each way. A lot got done but most things are still in pieces and the boat is a disaster-mess. I fell asleep at dinner again.

Wednesday March 20th, 2013

Today was "get-it-finished-day" as Steve had to be somewhere else Thursday. It turned into a bit of a bun rush but most projects were completed. Steve left at about 4 PM and I spent the next two hours cleaning up. I am really going to try to stay awake for dinner tonight.
At about 8 PM a 38 SFB arrived and claimed our dock! There were 4 young guys on board and I was in my PJs so I felt a bit outnumbered. But they were nice guys and they agreed to tie up the the boat lift behind us till we left on Friday.

Thursday March 21st, 2013

Notable day - this is our 41st Wedding Anniversary. And we still love each other, even when anchoring and/or picking up a mooring ball.

We only had the rental car till lunch time so we ran around doing a few last minute purchases in the morning. Steve had introduced us to boaters Pat and Chuck Berry and they picked us up at the rental place and we went out for a nice lunch down on the water at the Manatee Pocket. Lunch lasted till 3 PM. Chuck was also involved in the steel industry so we had lots to talk about.

Back at the boat we spent the rest of the day cleaning and getting ready for leaving the dock in the AM

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