Friday, March 22, 2013

Vero Beach

Friday March 23rd, 2013
27 12.018 N
80 16.581 W

Leaving our Palm City dock 
We were up at 7:30 AM and underway by 8;45 AM. We lost 20 minutes waiting for the railway bridge at the Stuart neck. It was a coolish but calm and sunny day, and we enjoyed an easy run to the Vero Beach mooring field. We must almost be "old hands" as this is the third time we have visited this facility and our "record was on file" at the marina.

We knew that a boat we had met in the Keys was here so called them when we settled in on the ball. They seemed to be pleased to hear from us and invited us to dinner with 2 others. What a deal - they will pick us up in their dink, drive us in their car, and make the reservations.

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