Saturday, March 23, 2013

Titusville, FL

Saturday March 23, 2013
28 37.853 N
80 48.244 W

Big day today, 66 NM. The weather is forecast to deteriorate and so we wanted to get some miles done. We were up at 7 AM and under way 20 minutes later at sun rise. It was glassy calm with a bit of mist on the water. Once underway Deidre brought up fresh coffee and toast and I was blissfully happy.

Last night we had dinner with people whose boat had been struck by lightening. This is the second time we have heard of this experience. The boat took 9 months to repair and just about every electrical component had to be replaced. As we approached Titusville we were watching (on the radar) three thunderstorm cells rolling over the marina, and lots of lightening. So we did the reasonable thing - a U-turn and headed the other way until the cells had passed. Now it is quite calm.

Had it not been for the diversion we would have done the 66 miles in 9 hours. That is a fast day for us, we seemed to be moving at 7.3 kts all day. We will stay here two nights on a ball because tomorrow looks "a bit rough" and we now have a couple of days up our sleeve. The plane leaves a week today.

Sunday March 24, 2013

The forecast indicated that the wind would arrive mid morning so we decided not to launch the dinghy or go ashore. That was a good decision, as demonstrated by this video!
Tide Hiker rocked around as the worst of the storm passed us. No boats in the mooring field broke loose, but it looks like there is a sailing boat aground on the other side of the bay.

Air Show in the distance
The rest of the afternoon was pretty calm. We launched the dinghy and went to a restaurant that had a dinghy dock. Lousy meal! But Doc Martin was on at 8PM so we went to bed happy..

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