Sunday, September 8, 2013

Cape May

September 8, 2013
38 57.016 N
74 54.643 W

We needed to wait for the tide to put some water under us to get safely out of the anchorage, so we enjoyed a bit of a sleep in and extended breakfast. We got out OK and were in the Atlantic by 10 AM. We only had about 34 NM to get to our slip at Cape May so it would be an easy day. The weather was not perfect but the wind was forecast out of the West so we would be in the lee of the shore. It did not quite work out that way, but Tide Hiker handled the swells well and Deidre did not get seasick.

We saw some porpoises today - first for quite some time.

It was pretty much low tide when we arrived at our reserved slip. As I came alongside I called to the guy on the slip "Tell me where to stop". It was a waste of effort, because about then Tide Hiker screeched to a stop, hard aground in the slip, three feet from the dock! I shut down the engines as I did not want to fill them with mud. I used a boat hook to probe around the boat - at the bow near the dock it was less than two feet deep, into very soft mud. I was pretty mad about the situation. We tied on some lines but there seemed little point, the boat was not going anywhere until the tide returned.

Deidre and I walked into town. Cape May is the holiday town for the Philadelphia region. It is a fishing "mecca". There are plenty of marinas just loaded with sport fishing boats. Down town is very touristy and cute. there are hundreds of Victorian style bed & breakfast places. The whole place has a good feel. We must have walked three miles and Deidre's ankle was killing her when we returned.

Monday September 9

The whale spotting boat returns
We floated free during the night. This morning we walked to a breakfast place. I bought a New York Times on the way and we enjoyed a two hour lazy breakfast.

This "marina" is primarily a tourist sightseeing and fishing base. There are half a dozen steel boats around us coming and going between 8 AM and Midnight. They also hire out kayaks and paddle boards.

This afternoon we unloaded the bikes and heraded into town. Deidre bought herself a new helmet and now she looks like Lance Armstrong. (I hope she
Deidre "Lance" Armstrong
keeps of the steroids!)

We are going to a fancy place for fish dinner tonight.

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