Sunday, September 1, 2013

Kingston, NY

September 1, 2013

Very easy day today. There was no wind in the AM so getting off the dock was no problem. Our objective was Kingston, only 18 NM down the river. The marina did not want us to arrive before 1 PM so we really took it easy. Kingston is an old town, burned to the ground by the British in 1777.

The marina was about 2 miles up a creek (in Australia = river) but is a bit of a rough and ready place. I had picked the "best place in town" and for $2 a foot was quite disappointed. (compared to Hilton Head for $2 a foot, this place is a joke. makes me think I am back in Canada.) After settling in we caught a cab into town where there was an Irish themed festival in full swing.

Snorkers, good oh!
We are now back on the boat and making G&Ts and it is starting to rain.

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