Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Port Washington for a few days

Wednesday September 4, 2013

Off to the big smoke
The water taxi has just picked up Lyn and Tony for a day in NYC.

I had a lot of EP work to do and got stuck into that. Took the taxi ashore later in the day to mail the resulting invoices and pick up banking data from B of A. Plus caught up with a few engine room jobs, an then basically took it easy.

When they arrived back on the train Lyn and Tony called us and we met ashore at the local Mexican joint for a "last supper".

Thursday September 5, 2013

Deidre cooked up a "last breakfast" of eggs and bacon, after which Lyn and Tony took the taxi ashore to take a walk and stretch their legs. The water taxi picked them up at 2:45 PM and the dirt taxi was waiting for them on the dock. They are now cooling their heels at JFK, looking forward to 3 flights and 23 hours in the air.


Port Washington at dusk
Four weeks, two days, one hour and twenty-two minutes is a long time to have visitors on a 49' boat. But the visit was a great success and I can honestly say that I enjoyed every minute. We all got along amazingly well. Deidre and I loved having someone else to share our experiences on the boat. Lyn and Tony are both boat people and so understood "boat constraints" pretty much without explanation. We all shared the work. In particular Tony helped me with the nuts and bolts stuff, and made several upgrades and repairs that make Tide Hiker a better boat. They were also super generous with expenses - paid for all groceries, booze and eating out plus other bits and pieces. Everyone (except me, the captain has some privileges) contributed to the cooking and cleaning. And the weather helped too.

Today we sat around reminiscing about the highlights and the "experiences". (Like losing an anchor and 200' of chain for a day or so, and like hooking up a 2" thick electrical cable with the anchor.)  We all have some fun stories to tell.

It was really a great 4 weeks.


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