Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Port Washington - Our home away from home.

September 3, 2013

Timing today was important. The flood tide started in NY harbor at 3 PM, and we needed that in our favor to make it up the East River. I waned about 1 hour in NY Harbor to do the tourist thing for our guests. We were about 32 miles from NY harbor in our anchorage at Croten-on-Hudson. We would be riding the ebb tide down the river for most of the day so I assumed we could average 7 knots. the answer was to leave at 10 AM.

The trip south was uneventful. We ran a bit faster than plan and so virtually had the engines running at idle speed the last couple of hours. For most of the day the skies had been heavy and overcast, but as we reached the city the sun broke through and some blue sky appeared. We spent an hour or so in the harbor visiting the usual sights, and then headed up the East River just as the tide turned.

It was good to get back to familiar water. We were attached to a mooring ball and settled in (meaning the G&T's were made) by 6 PM. Barbecued hamburgers "with the lot" for dinner. the TV found over 100 stations so we enjoyed a bit of TV for the first time for a while.

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