Saturday, August 31, 2013

Riverview Marina, Catskill, NY

Saturday August 31, 2013
42 12.676 N
73 51.449 W

Deidre says she feels that we are really on our way "back" now because we have turned south on the Hudson. I am not sure about what direction "back" is, but I do know that we have passed through our last lock for a long, long time, and I am happy about that.

We were underway about 8:30 AM and the starboard engine misbehaved again. It had rained just about all night and the morning was heavy with cloud accompanied by a pretty stiff southerly. It stayed that way all day so we decided not to anchor out and take a marina instead. We stayed at Riverview on the way north and decided to return. It is on a creek out of the wind.

Plenty of room!
They allocated us a space "in front of the crane" with "plenty of room". Turns out this was a 60' dock, but hemmed in at each end with perpendicular docks. The wind was blowing the right way, so I let it blow the boat in. Getting out tomorrow may be a bit trickier.

Now we could put up the mast, and since we had a bit of practice all went smoothly.

Catskill is a bit of a sad town so we are planning to eat on board. There are some storm cells coming thru so Tony an I have just beefed up the lines a bit.

Mast down

Mast up!

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