Monday, August 26, 2013

Near Utica, NY

Another very relaxing day with no drama. We were underway at about 9 AM and headed for Lake Onieda. There was a little wind but it was on our tail, and the 19 miles was uneventful. Another 24 miles and we are tied up to the wall at lock 19. It has been cloudy and drizzle sort of day, and its currently drizzling. We are waiting for a break so that we can cook dinner on the barbecue. The break did not come so we cooked inside.

By dinner I was feeling pretty crook. I had been nursing either alergies or a cold for the last couple of days. So I took some pills and was in bed by 7 PM. Even the freight trains every 20 minutes did not keep me awake. The rain woke me some time during the night.

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