Monday, August 19, 2013


Monday August 19th

44 50 331 N
75 18 667 W

We are underway, just had lunch. We recovered the anchor and got underway by about 8:45 AM this morning. So far have passed thru two locks on the "American side". What a pleasure! I am sure the Canadians are nice people, but sometimes its just nice to be back in the USA. Both locks answered the radio promptly, told us what we needed in concise and unambiguous terms, and got us thru as soon as they could. At the second lock we had to wait for a commercial ship to pass thru, but the lock-master gave us an estimated time and suggested where we could wait.  It was interesting watching the big ship and the experience was worth the delay. I will insert photos below.

Later: We have arrived at our target destination. We decided to take a marina so we could stretch our legs and do some shopping and get as pump out. As usual for Canada, the pump out had a 12' hose and was 10' from the waters edge. "Sewerage grade" hose must be $1.0 million per foot in Canada! I have parts of my body that are longer.

The marina was rated at 4 stars but it would be lucky to be a 2 star. I was disappointed. Lyn and Tony walked into "town" and did a bit of shopping. Tony cooked "pork sweet and sour" for dinner - yum.




hardly a "Marina" at all.

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