Monday, August 12, 2013

Saint Anne De Bellevue

Monday August 12, 2013

45 24.218 N

73 57.193 W

I am drinking coffee again. This time in a cute little lock town about 10 miles from Montreal. The wholesale price of coffee is sure to come down when we get back to the USA and have internet service on the boat.

Huge door
Today we have only two locks but they are big and slow ones. We wanted to arrive at the Clarion Lock by 9:30 AM when it "opened", which meant we needed to be underway by about 7:30 AM. There was a slight breeze pushing us onto the dock and I completely botched the departure. We hit the boat behind us a “glancing blow” that was fortunately totally absorbed by fenders. We got away without damage, but I was a bit humbled. It was another beautiful day, maybe in the low 80's.

The Clairion Lock is 65’ deep. Looking into the empty lock from the top is quite intimidating. The ride down and out was impressive. I will add a video. The next lock was at Saint Anne De Bellevue about 3 hours away, and we planned to stay the night on a free wall in town. It is a touristy place, but has a good reputation for eating.

The second lock was a breeze and we were tied up by 2 PM and wandered around (Of course, I was looking for internet,
Downtown St. Anne de Bellevue
and here I am.)

The Saint Anne De Bellevue business district is basically all restaurants. I have a hankering for "real French" so we picked the most obvious place and the food was "very ordinary".

Video of the lock opening:

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