Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Canajoharie (Once again)

Tuesday August 27, 2013
42 54.560 N
74 34.171 W

Starboard engine did not want to start again this AM. Our latest theory (the fuel cut-off solenoid) was a bust.  It was actually worse this AM because after I got it started it spluttered for 10 minutes and I had to jiggle the throttle to keep it turning.

I emailed and called a few people to get ideas. Consistent response was that we have an air leak in "the suction side of the fuel flow". The issue is finding it. In the mean time one suggestion was to fill the fuel tanks so that the top of the fuel in the tank is above the fuel pump (and hence the air leak) and so air will not leak into the line and maybe some fuel will leak out. So we stopped at St. Johnsonville marina and filled up two tanks to the brim. I switched the engine over to those two tanks after we docked. So we will see in the AM

Another rough day!
The weather improved as the day progressed. The water was super calm. We passed thru 6 locks with minimal delay. Having a "crew" makes live easy. Lock 17 was very deep, with a "guillotine" gate rather than a swing gate.

We passed a dredge and crew in the canal today. It was just about blocking the entire canal, but had left a path on its starboard side (marked with the official markers). It was pretty tight so I slowed down to idle speed and edged around. All went well till we were past and the dredge captain called us on the radio, really pissed off that we had not called him on the radio. I was a bit taken aback. Obviously we had surprised him and he was not happy. But there was crew on the back of the dredge that had seen us approach.

We are back at the free docks in Canajoharie, but this time there was no room on the floating dock so we are "around the corner" on a wall. No power and its hard for Deidre to get on and off, but its OK. We will go into town for dinner.

The Harbor Master loaned us a ladder that we put in the side door and so the girls could get off. We went out to dinner. When we returned to the boat we discovered it had been moved a full boat length, so another large boat could fit in. I was not happy about that because we had been moved into an "inferior" situation, and it was done without my involvement./ We went to bed and I mulled my mood.

"Look! One handed!"

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