Thursday, August 22, 2013

Clayton, USA

Thursday August 22, 2013

We are currently anchored in Clayton Bay, waiting on the marina to respond to our (many) phone calls and radio hailing. Oh well, it is early (8:30 AM) and it is a city facility. We have our yellow quarantine flag flying - actually we have misplaced the yellow flag and so we are using one of Deidre's yellow tee shirts.

As you may be able to tell from the above, we were up and out of very early this morning. I had realized that if getting Tide Hiker into the dock was hard, getting her out backwards would be even more fun. So I wantd to do it in the calm of early morning. So I woke everyone at about 6:00 AM and we were out by 6:30 AM. All went well, Tide Hiker behaved herself beautifully.

44 14.174 N
76 05.483 W

Tight spot
We stooged in Clayton Harbor till about 10 AM before we were able to organize a slip. But by 10.30 AM we were tied up and plugged in, the washer dryer was going, and we headed into town to "report in". We were now back in the USA so needed to do the Immigration and Customs process at a video phone some way across town. The process was a bit of a pain, the official was a bit "officious" but the task was eventually accomplished. To help overcome the stress of dealing with the bureaucracy, we had lunch out at a nice place in Clayton. Just returned and took down Deidre's yellow tee.

Some inside
This afternoon we visited the Wooden Boat Museum. Basically focused on wooden boats in the 1900 - 1930 era. Lots of wood, lots of varnish. Good couple of hours entertainment. Meanwhile, the weather was lousy, lots of wind and rain.

Dinner on the boat.

Some in the water

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