Saturday, August 3, 2013

Black Rapids

Monday August 5, 2013
45 19.249 W
75 41.861 W

We were in the lock at 9:10 AM and out by about 10 AM (Was a 3 step flight). It was a perfect morning, sunny and calm. Our objective, Black Rapids lock, was only 5 miles away and we were there and moored by 11 AM. The new mooring was a perfect set up – at last. They offered electricity and water. We needed to connect 4 hoses in a string to reach from tap to boat, but got the tanks full.  The setting was park-like and we had our own picnic table.  The lockmaster was a nice guy, even offered to pick up a slab of beer for us in Quebec (where it is 50 cents a can less expensive!) We settled in.

Prime spot - Black Rapids
After lunch we went shopping for groceries. The nearest supermarket was about 2 miles away so we walked there and caught a cab back. The place was basically a large Asian supermarket. Very busy and quite “different” with the result that we could only find about 75% of our lists. But interesting.

The Ottawa International Airport is only a few miles away, we seem to be under the flight path. 

Tuesday August 6, 2013

Lyn and Tony were due bout 3 PM. We rapped up our jobs and headed over to the airport in a cab about 1 PM. the flight was not due till about 3PM, but in our innocence we thought we would enjoy some free WiFi at the airport for an hour or so. No such deal - we had to "join" or "pay" and so we went without.

Their flight was on time. Deidre cooked up a great dinner that we enjoyed in the pilot house with a cloth on the table. Obviously, these were important guests.

Wednesday August 7, 2013

We decided to stay another full day to help Lyn and Tony settle in and recover from jet lag. Their trip, from Tasmania to Ottawa, took more than 48 hours. Literally from one end of the world to the other.

I had a few jobs on the boat to complete. Tony and I changed the bad breaker on the #2 generator. I was not comfortable making that change by myself. Also changed the Racor filter and the secondary filters on the engines. We did some shopping and drank some wine. Tony cooked dinner.

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