Friday, August 23, 2013


Our slip was in quite an awkward spot. When we arrived the wind was south west which helped push Tide Hiker onto the dock, but would just about make it impossible to leave safely. However, because we are truly blessed, during the night the wind moved 180 degrees around the compass to North and Northeast. The change came about 2 AM and woke me up. We had decided to leave at 6:30 AM so we would arrive at Oswego in time to get a pump out and get through the first lock.

At 6 AM the wind was steady NE and extracting the boat was reasonably easy. We are now 2 hours underway and on schedule.

Deidre put on a slap up lunch today and we ate in style in the pilot house.

43 27 189 N
76 30 398 W

We arrived at the Oswego entrance exactly "on time". The wind seem to settle as the day wore on and by the tine we arrived the lake was placid and blue. The crossing took exactly 8 hours. We stopped at a marina for a pump out (Goodness gracious me! The hose is 50' long! Enough for 5 Canadian pump outs!). Thence on to the lock where the lock crew answered the radio (Goodness gracious me!) and immediately emptied the lock and  opened the doors (Goodness gracious me!) What a slick system. We were tied up on the wall by 3:30 PM and felt at home.

Lyn has been pining for Mexican food so we went out to eat - and it was good.

Saturday August 24, 2013

Back in our "old spot" in Oswego
Busy morning with maintenance and shopping. Tony found the fuel leak on the starboard engine and that issue may now be resolved. Tony also dismantled and greased the windlass, sorted out the wiring on the mast prior to re-installing the anchor light and re-stepping the mast.

Later in the afternoon we toured Fort Ontario. It was a perfect fall afternoon. That evening we went to the movies and saw "The Butler"

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