Monday, August 12, 2013


Sunday August 11, 2013
45 36.882 N
74 36.158 W

About 10 miles down river is the Montebello Hotel, apparently the largest log structure in the world. It was built in the 30s by about 3,000 workers. There was a short dock available for no charge if you stayed for a meal. We arrived as planned at 11 AM and mooring at the dock was uneventful although the water seemed very shallow.

The team
The hotel was impressive. There was a big crowd lined up inside for Sunday Brunch, but we opted to eat outside on the terrace in the sunshine. Very nice.

back underway again by early afternoon, our target for the night was Hawkesbury, a small town on the Ontario side with a free city dock. It was a perfect day, sunny and warm, and the Canadian boaters were out in full strength. When we arrived at Hawkesbury the dock looked pretty full, but after some arm waving and pidgin French we squeezed into a spot. Lyn and Tony walked into town to spec it out, Deidre and I took a breather. The scouting report indicated the town as “pretty ordinary”

Lyn and Tony had spent a few hours during the afternoon putting together a chicken curry. After the basic cooking had been completed the concoction was put into the crock pot to simmer. The wonderful aroma percolated in the boat for the rest We all seem to be getting on well and to be honest I am already not looking forward to when they leave on September 6.
New Flag
of the afternoons as we cruised down the river. We ate our dinner in the Pilot House table – wonderful. I am really enjoying having Lyn and Tony on board. 

Lyn selected the Sunday Evening movie. 

The dining room

We ate outside

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