Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Summerland Island Group

August 20, 2013
44 22 547 N
75 53 701 W

We are anchored "inside" a beautiful group of little islands. The wind and current are both coming from the South West but we are nicely protected. The anchor seemed to bite strongly and we have not moved in the couple of hours since we dropped it. So all is good.

Today we have cruised about 35 NM. In some places the apposing current was as much as 3 knots, so progress was pretty slow. But the weather was fine and the scenery improved as we progressed. We are now into the "Thousand Islands" area and it is very impressive.

There are hundreds of islands in the river, often very pretty, granite with lots of trees. Many appear to be private with houses perched on them. I will attempt another video.

We enjoyed a tasty dinner on the aft deck as the sun set and the full moon rose. The evening got more interesting when a fellow came over from one of the houses in a kayak. Of course I invited him on board but as I was helping him on board I fell off the back of the boat into the water, amusing all and sundry. "Bill" settled down with a cold beer and told us some of the island history. Bill is from Baltimore and his island has been in the family for a while. He left a few minutes ago, promising to come back in the AM with his power boat and take us for a tour. Sounds like fun.

House and lighthouse

Singer castle (as in Singer Sewing Machines)

"No, you move over!"

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