Sunday, March 23, 2014

Back to Marsh Harbour

Monday March 24, 2014
26 32.783 N
77 03.174 W

Rained cats and dogs early this morning and is quite breezy. Lazy morning. We have been disappointed so far with the local restaurant food, so tried a more upscale place for a light lunch, and we were delighted. Seems like you get what you pay for here also.

Invited crew of a neighbor boat over for drinks and advice on the best routes south to the Exumas. The Captain was Irish with a strong brogue, and his stories of communications with the locals in "English" were pretty funny. I would say that local "English" is very relaxed. Every sentence seems to start with "Hey Man, .... .

It is a bit of a curious place. For example, the rule is that vehicles drive on the left side of the road, I assume a hangover of British colonial days. The silly thing is that almost 100% of the cars come from the USA with their steering on the left.

Tuesday March 25, 2014

Rained a bit last night. The wind really came up in the morning and we are all bouncing around in the marina.Glad we are not out in the anchorage. We pretty much spent the day taking it easy.

Wednesday March 26, 2014

We did very little today. Some old friends (Dick and Dianna) heard us on the radio this morning and made contact. After lunch we biked over to the Jib Room marina and played Mexican Train with Bill & Robin for a few hours. When we returned FedEx had delivered the replacement HotSpot. I charged it overnight. Not much going on! Weather still blowing a bit.

Thursday March 27, 2014

Had plans to venture over to Hope Town but that fell thru. I struggled for a couple of hours to make the new hotspot work, but no success. Asparagus sandwiches for lunch. We are starting to get stir crazy.

Friday March 28, 2014

Apols for late entries. The problem is that there is not much going on. The weather has been a bit poor and we are stuck to the dock. We read.

Saturday March 29, 2014

We "hummed and hawed" about taking Tide Hiker somewhere but never made a decision. I am suffering from a complaint called "dock glue". We should have gone out, it was not that bad. But instead we went on a picnic at the beach at the Abaco Resort. We rode our bikes. On the way back Deidre had a spill. She actually ended up on her head, but had her helmet on. Lost a bit of skin off one knee and hurt a toe, and is now limping.

This evening we walked/hobbled to "Curlies" and met some friends for a "painkiller". That seemed to help her. Then we walked/hobbled to Wallies for dinner.

Sunday March 30, 2014

Storm front came thru last night as forecast. Deidre said there was a lot of thunder and heavy rain. I slept thru the whole thing. (Too many painkillers I suspect). This morning it is quit windy, but the forecast is good starting tomorrow. We are ready! Deidre's toe is still sore but improved, so we have decided it is not broken.

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