Monday, March 10, 2014

Old Bahama Bay

We were up at 4 AM and underway by 4:30 AM. It was really dark. The screens in the pilot house are just too bright (I have to figure out how to fix this!) and Deidre was not comfortable, at all! But we made it out the main channel OK and took our new course at the final channel light.

Dawn did not arrive till about 7 AM, but we had some light about 45 minutes earlier. It was a perfect day, with maybe a 3' swell and a 6" chop. It was really just a matter of pointing the boat and keeping an eye on the engines.

After clearing customs
We set a course south of the rhumb line to compensate for the current. It was really just an approximation so 2/3 of the way across we just pointed the auto pilot at the target waypoint and let it do the work. We were tied up in Old Bahama Bay marina by 1:30 PM.

The customs and immigration process was fast and pleasant. Deidre was now allowed off the boat. The slip was a bit expensive so we declined the water and electricity extras.
Later, after clearing customs

I had tried to make water on the way across, but kept running into issues. First a burst hose and then the salt water supply seemed to dry up - in the middle of the ocean! (It was about 2,600' deep!) I will have to get advise from the water-maker-man.

The extra charge for electricity was $32! We declined  and explained that "we have solar". In response we were warned that it was a big breach of the rules to start a generator in the marina. (What rubbish!) But the panels have not let us down - 5 hours later the SOC ("State of Charge") is still at 100% and the batteries easily lasted all night

After settling the boat we headed over to the beach. Bliss.

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