Thursday, March 6, 2014

Lake Worth (Palm Beach)

Thursday March 6, 2014
26 45.465 N
80 02.583W

We were up at 7:30 AM and underway on schedule at 9:00 AM. There is a lot to do getting the boat ready and all the systems operating. It was not a very pleasant morning, a bit strange after 29 days of perfect weather. We decided not to go "outside" but to stay in the ICW. Turns out a good decision.

The storm is bigger than the whole state of Florida.
The 30 odd miles was uneventful, windy but protected. However, as the day progressed the radar started to reveal a very strong line of thunder storms approaching from the west, winds of "up to 60 MPH" and possible tornadoes. We were anxious to get to our anchorage and settled before they arrived, and we managed that with about 15 minutes to spare. I put out just about all 225' of chain and the snubber. It was a bit wild when it hit but the anchor held perfectly. Just wet and calm now.

We enjoyed the ICW as we headed to Palm Beach. The houses and private yachts were spectacular and the ICW was in great condition. We passed under 3 "on demand" lifting bridges and 2 "restricted" bridges that we seemed to time perfectly.

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