Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Back to Highbourne

Monday May 5, 2014
24 42.795 N
76 49.823 W

Underway by 8 AM, We wanted to get to Allans Cay early enough to anchor and settle the boat, and then dinghy ashore to see the wild iguanas. As the morning progressed the wind built up to at least 20 MPH from the North. The Allens' Cay anchorage was narrow and complicated and completely open to the North. The weather forecast called for the wind to turn East, but when? We waited until the last way point and then I chickened out. I just did not want to get into close quarters in those conditions. I really felt like a wimp, as we do not have time in our schedule to try another day, and I could see that Deidre was dissapointed. We back tracked to Highborne and dropped the anchor in familiar territory.

It was only lunch time so we had an afternoon to kill. It was still blowing, but after some lunch we hopped into the dink with the thought that maybe we could run the dink the 2 or 3 miles over to Allens. We packed the portable radio and the phone (and told the other boat in the anchorage what we were attempting). But as we poked our nose out of the lee I chickened out again. We probably could have made it but it would have been a wet and rough ride and if the engine had conked out ......

There is a marina at Highborne as so as a consolation prize we visited the marina and bought an ice cream. Later in the afternoon I took a dive under thew boat to check the props and running gear as we had been struggling to make 6.5 kts all day.

This guy anchored next to us

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