Tuesday, May 27, 2014

St. Augustine

May 26th, 2014
29 53.197 N
81 18.314 W

Short day. Took it easy this morning Deidre got a ride to the supermarket and restocked the larder with fresh fruit, veges, bread, milk etc. We still have plenty of "Bahama" supplies in the freezer that we need to work through so we can shut it down.

We were underway by about Noon. It was only about 20 miles to St. Augustine where Barb had reserved a couple of mooring balls. We were still towing the dinghy and I ferried Barb and Don ashore in St Augustine - last time they were here it was too cold to see the town. On the way back visited an Australian boat - actually sailed to the USA from Australia.

Went into town later in the evening and enjoyed dinner with Barb and Don.

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