Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Cumberland Island

Tuesday May 27th, 2014
30 46.113 N
81 28.294 W

Caught the 7:30 AM opening of the "Bridge of Lions" and we were out in the Atlantic soon after 8 AM. We headed due north towards St. Mary's Entrance and the anchorage at Cumberland. Overall we covered 65 NM. Conditions were decent and it was a good ride.

During the day we had been in touch with Jon & Bonnie also heading North but on the ICW. They picked up fuel in Fernandina Beach and joined us at the anchorage. It was great to see them again and we celebrated with drinks and dinner on Tide Hiker. Really fun night.

Coast Guard

Dredging at St Mary's Entrance

Drinks and dinner on Tide Hiker (Cavara and Bon Voyage in the distance)

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