Thursday, May 29, 2014

Beaufort, SC

Thursday May 29
32 25 178 N
80 39 437 W

We are tied up in a marina in Beaufort after a longgggg but successful day. Up at "o'dark four" we were underway at 5 AM. The Brunswick channel is big and well lit, but navigation in the dark is always a bit exciting for us. The coastal waters of Georgia are so shallow that the Brunswick shipping channel is about 10 miles long and even then the coastal water is barely 30' deep. It took us two hours before we were able to turn north, and by then the sun was up.

Could not have asked for a better day - sunny and calm with maybe 5 kts of wind. We took it in turn to take a sleep, and I slept for almost three hours. We reached our initial target, the Port Royal channel, at about 4 PM. This was about 10 miles long, plus our target marina on "Lady's Creek" was another 15 NM inland, so we did not "arrive" until about 7 PM. It was a big day, but we had covered all the Georgia coast line in one day.

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