Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Cumberland Island (Anchorage)

October 13, 2014
30 46 031 N
81 28 319 W

Another beautiful morning, but with wind in the forecast. Another short run planned to the anchorage at Cumberland Island, one of our favorites. Cumberland Island is right on the border with Florida. We arrived about 2:30 PM and the island gave us good protection from the wind.

Passing Brunswick

West of the Island is the St. Mary's nuclear sub base. We have passed it 4 times now and never seen any movement. Just the patrol boat with the 50 cal machine gun on its bow watching us as we pass. But 1/2 hour after we had the anchor down we saw a sub go up the channel.

We had towed the dinghy from St. Simons so it was easy to go ashore for a walk over to the ocean beach. The island is a park and the animals are protected. On the way over a young fawn walked onto the trail and just looked at us for a few minutes. Further on we heard rustling in the undergrowth and observed 2 or 3 armadillos rooting around in the dirt. They were also unconcerned by our presence.

There is a row of big storms crossing the country that will arrive hereabouts sometime tomorrow. So in the AM we plan to head to St. Mary's and take a slip for the night. We have never been there before and we hear it is a quaint old place. As I write this I can hear the wind picking up.

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